It's not about LFR, it's about following though with what you started

Not logic! That is our mortal enemy here! :joy:

Don’t worry, they didn’t use logic. Or, reading comprehension. Or anything really.

Like I said, I wasn’t even talking about Blizzard moving the goalpost.

That’s your alt, isn’t it?


We don’t need it to be available, if the achievement reached live servers with a definition and now it’s being changed, that’s a bad take from Devs. almost everything regarding S4 is on live servers, they just need to activate it during next week, 9.2.7 just bring another batch of changes but even on PTR now, they didn’t change the achievement to normal+.

If the achievement wasn’t ready for live, Devs should have implemented it until 9.2.7 patch instead of part of 9.2.5.

I checked on PTR and all the achievement still mention “any difficulty”


Shouldn’t Clark be resting? Get some rest, bud, we want you to get better.

Aww poor Clark. I can’t pick on him atm, even in a friendly way.

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Ugh, nobody said Blizzard moved the goalpost, it was the Blizzard apologists/defenders moving goalposts in their defense of the omniscient holy company that is Blizzard entertainment.

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Idk why it isn’t something LFR players can get, there have been mounts from LFR in the past from events and even in the current content LFR drops raid mounts lol.


See, you are acting like they changed anything at all past when it went live, but all they did is mess up a description string. They didn’t specifically make the quest undoable on LFR afterwards, it just has always been that way. With your statement you are claiming they moved the goalposts of the quest itself after it went live, which couldn’t be much further from the truth.

The only people I have ever seen AFK in LFR are obviously some try-hard raiders alt that is mostly there to troll. LFR heroes like me actually try to participate, even though we may suck or not know mechanics. Screwing us over seems to be the only way Ion and his buds can get thier jellies. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


No, right there I was asking Cursewords what the magic finish line is, not Blizzard.

No, it’s the truth. The wording of the achievement didn’t change in the PTR. It didn’t change when it went live. It didn’t change when the blue said “psych!” to Peppermint a few days ago.

At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if it still didn’t change on Tuesday.


Oh the alt accusations. Always a classic from those with no arguments🤣

Since the cat is green I personally wouldn’t bother obtaining the mount (green is one of my least favorite colors), but I do agree that this is a very slimy move on Blizzard’s part. I sincerely hope they change their mind.


Not reading, or being able to read, the tons of arguments I’ve made is pretty classic from someone that doesn’t want to actually discuss the topic, just be contrary.

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Honestly…seeing some of the attitudes on display from the ‘be social’ crowd on the forums, do you blame them for not wanting to group with you?


It’s not going to change because it never did and never will. They just messed up the criteria description, which will no doubt get fixed in some future client patch.

I’ve read them. We all have. And we’ve already demonstrated why you’re wrong and why your “arguments” have failed to change Blizzard’s mind. You don’t have to accept that but it’s just the truth at this point.

That covers everything, thank you.

Then why don’t they just play with each other? :eyes:

What does this even mean.

And you know what’s funny about this is you’re so hellbent on “subject to change before it goes live!” when it comes to people pointing out the achievement text but when it comes to people wanting it to be in LFR “oh it will never change.”

This tells me you’re more interested in kicking people while they’re feeling down and not actually having a discussion.


Most likely the slime cat will be available in the Bliz Store after the fated raids are over… for RL $$$$. Maybe making sure they still have buyers?

Conflicting time restraints? Not comfortable enough with mechanics to lead?