It's not about LFR, it's about following though with what you started

Yes. They put in achievements, in the Live game, that specifically say “Any difficulty”. That’s announcing that it’s available from LFR. Unless what’s officially said in the game doesn’t count anymore?


It doesn’t count when you’re shilling really hard.


The next step would be, “doesn’t matter, they can change anytime they want, it’s you’re fault for believing”. It’s a constant moving goalpost. They have no intention of understanding. They just can’t accept Blizz being wrong.



I’m hesitant on that, because the raids required to accomplish that have not been released. It is currently on the live servers, but had it been obtainable when the “change” was announced?

Yup, it’s just grasping at straws

The achievement is listed in the live game… but you can not even start to progress it. It is for content that is not accessible because it was not complete.

Pretending that an achievement for incomplete future content is going to be concrete is a personal issue.

If Blizzard is going to change their minds, this period before the actual activities go live is the time to change stuff.

I told you - when the actual progress for the achievement can start.

Not just looking at the achievement somewhere in game.

I wonder what the new goalpost will be on Tuesday when the wording hasn’t changed.


I’m sure they’ll think of something.


If I had to guess, I would say this change to remove LFR is based on nothing but increasing wow token revenue.

Normal is literally the same raid as LFR, it just takes longer because you need to find a group/replace people who leave. So it can’t be for some sense of “prestige” for the mount


Of course. Isn’t the new boosting chat channel coming out on Tuesday too?


They announced what their intentions are. The wording does not have to change. If is released on Tuesday with a Normal Requirement, they gave us notice, even if the wording stays the same.

I swear, the people complaining about content being changed before it can be accessible in the live game… they are why coffee cups have to have the word “HOT” printed on them.

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Get the $$$ and stress test the boosting channel at the same time. Win/win.

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Yes, it was so nice of them. They could have announced it three months ago so people that don’t normally raid would have worked towards an item level geared towards Fated Normal instead of Fated LFR.

5 days was such an awesome heads up.


How is a single reply in a thread an “announcement”?


Slimesaber should of been a shop mount Blizzard could of made out like a bandit.

Torghast would of been suitable too.

It was an announcement for all those people that come to the forums. You know, all 100 of them.


It doesn’t take too many neurons firing to figure out, that if something is said, even in PTR, and especially if it makes it’s way in game, that players would expect it. By you stating “you shouldn’t”, that doesn’t fly, because then well what exactly are we pre-ordering with DF. The game can be completely different, yet they push pre-order sales. Is it smart to purchase something that may completely change? Is it unreasonable to think an achievement that says “any difficulty” is…any difficulty lol.

I get your argument, I just think it’s a weak one, and then resorting to ad hominin, usually people do that when they have nothing better of substance to add besides, “I’m right because insert insult”.


Except none of this. They never “moved the goalpost”, just messed up the description string. If they were moving the goalposts the actual quest data would have changed, which it didn’t.

I don’t know who’s alt you are but if you’re going to jump into this conversation feet first, at least try to not look ridiculous.

I wasn’t talking about Blizzard moving the goalpost, I was talking about people like Cursewords.

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