It's not about LFR, it's about following though with what you started

That picture is irrelevant cause you only show the any difficulty version. Show me the normal and lfr.

I’ll help you. It doesn’t exist. It goes from any to heroic.

It’s not just any to heroic. You can get it from Mythic too.

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You’re missing the point. Why is there no normal version of the fated achievement?

Because they didn’t create one. You can get it from normal though.

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Well my argument is dead anyway because every other raid achievements are also shared with normal and lfr. That kinda sucks, like they’re proposing that they’re the same difficulty, which is clearly disputed by the amount of threads complaining about it.

I’ll still maintain. What sucks about this isn’t the lfr portion, it’s that it was done last minute.

But you guys gotta stop with the ulterior motive schtick. Blizzard isn’t some saturday cartoon villain.

I never said they were some Saturday morning cartoon villain? And why should I care if someone else defines them that way and why should you? I don’t know them. They are a big corporation. They don’t need my defense.

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Well weidmann did, among many others.

Doesn’t bother me. I’m not the Blizz defense team.

Nobody thinks this. We just think they’ve made some very clearly bad choices at the detriment of the WoW community.

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This says differently. And they’re not alone saying such things.

You do understand that this isn’t a theory, right? There is a very common through-line with Blizzard. Pointing this out doesn’t mean we think they are villains. We just think they are incompetent.

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Oooh that is one of my pet peeves “do what you say and say what you do”. Don’t flip flop dot get wishy-washy…if your going to do something do it .if not then don’t it so simple…one of the most annoying things about this gaming company…Watch …the closer we get to dragon flight .alot of stuff won’t even make it to live…that why I don’t get excited about new information anymore…it’s to fluid…but hey it’s there game they can do what they want .

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Not too late to reverse this, Blizz. Do what the achievements say, the achievements you wrote and you put into the game.


Ever notice that blizz “listens to the playerbase” when its in regards to things they don’t care about or if they lose a bunch of subs?

Something to think about.

I am all for having it added to LFR since people have pointed out that it said “All raid difficulties”. However, when people try and throw around the word “casuals” to meet their agenda makes them look ridiculous because there are plenty of casuals who do more than LFR and do normal-mythic. Maybe people should stick to actual facts and not make up definitions of terms to appease their argument like it saying “for all raid difficulties” which imo is a very strong argument.


i agree 100% that this has been a major back step however i am pleased that my break can go right up till launch (first real break ive taken since bc)

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That video you posted was so good.

I love how folks are trying to tell others that “any” doesn’t actually mean “any”


The neat thing is that, things are subject to change.

Right? Achievements say any difficulty of fated raid. There’s fated lfr. That’s literally part of any. Mistake or not, they really should honor their word. Maybe if they’d clarified this a month ago, but waiting until a couple days before the season starts to pull this? No.


This is all my opinion.

LFR might be tedious in my experience, but it certainly isn’t hard. Expansion after expansion, I have cared less and less about raiding. So I myself have stuck to LFR to see the content. And I’ve never had issues with it aside from maybe N’Zoth in BFA.

I understand the principle of why people are upset, sure. But is it really THAT big of a deal that this mount isn’t being added in LFR? Seriously, does it become impossible for most of the LFR community to simply do it on Normal instead? Let’s get real people …