It's not about LFR, it's about following though with what you started

I never expected the cat being obtainable in LFR, no matter the wording. My guild group prepared for a bunch of normal runs regardless, and glad we were. That said, I wouldn’t mind if it were.

I think blizzard needs to go back and fix all of their achievements. The word “any” isn’t clear anymore.

There are over 300 achievements with the word “any” in them. I think we need to go through them and ensure that there is proper wording as to not confuse players.



This and the Soar nerf are two small, very simple, totally unnecessary things they have done apparently for the sole purpose of undoing every bit of good will they’ve managed to regain since 9.1.5. I mean, it’s like they sat around a table and said, “Wow, people are actually starting to like us again. That’s concerning. What can we do to show them we’re still the same out-of-touch, fun-hating people who shamelessly ruined the past two expansions? Oh, I know! We’ll nerf a super fun ability that doesn’t hurt anybody, and then state in-game that a special mount will drop from LFR, only to have a Community Manager come out and say, JK! It’ll be fun, guys.”

These two decisions have nerfed my Dragonflight enusiasm by about 60%. It still looks a lot better than BFA and SL, but they need to stop making ridiculous unforced errors.

I mean, it took, what, 5 seconds to realize the absolute, categorical difference between this and the Friendship Moose? I mean, I don’t want to be disrespectful, but that comment by a community manager was so tragically out of touch, it really does make it seem like neither they nor anybody who proofread and approved that communication has ever actually played the game.

Coordinating a 10-minute carry of ONE boss is not even in the same logistical universe as coordinating a THREE-WEEK-LONG PROGRESSIVE CLEAR OF 30 BOSSES OVER THREE RAIDS IN THE SHORTEST SEASON IN THE HISTORY OF THE GAME.

I mean, how are you guys serious with this? This has to be April 1st.


Weird to reply to the post with my video embedded in there but hi folks.
I just want to chime in with one thought.
Yeah I know everything in the game is subject to change. But it doesn’t mean we CAN’T speak up when it’s something we don’t like.


Weird to reply to the person who made the video I embedded in my post, but hi. Really enjoy your stuff. :smiley:

(You guys wouldn’t want to carry a filthy, pathetic, scrublord casual to a cat mount, would you? Asking for a me.)

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If they truly considered it raiding then they would be including it in the count for the slime mount where it says “Any raid difficulty”. You can get your panties in a bunch all you want, I am just stating the way Blizzard is acting. Not my personal views on whether or not it is a “real” raid difficulty.

If DF is released at the end of December season 3 and season 4 will be about the same duration.

I think the release is really gonna depend on how hard/fast season 4 crash and burns.

Hotfixing the achievement from “Any” to “Normal” was pathetic.


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Again Blizzard needs to find someone halfway competent at PR and Community Management.


LFR is only difficult because people refuse to read the provided guide on boss fights and expect to wing it or learn as they go. That is assuming they even remain alive. So technically LFR is not a difficulty. The other players you are grouped with gauge it’s difficulty. So you have no one to blame but the other players in LFR for not getting this mount.

LFR should have been removed anyway. Looking forward to Dragonflight it isn’t even really going to be necessary anymore. As I have said now in Zereth Mortis you can get LFR or better gear just out in the world. No longer is LFR needed beyond telling the story.

Sure! Let me rephrase it for you since now that i am reading it i guess i wasnt clear! LFR has never awarded any mounts that are the “meta achievement” mounts for that raid tier/season. It has always been normal and higher. The slime cat is the “meta achievement” mount for this season. So i still will stand by my statement that it should not be awarded for LFR

Blizzard stealth changing the text on the achievement is shadey af and they know it. Do the right thing blizz. Bait and switch tactics are absolutely trash and we are sick of it. “We are listening and changing we promise” means nothing when you do the exact opposite. You gotta earn that trust. I have no trust in you again. Cant wait for microsoft to take over and clean house.