Its not about LFR.. Its about communication

Interesting. Well, here’s to hoping Blizz doesn’t take your CC status over this.

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It’s all good either way. If they want to be this silent about such a major sleight to lfr players, then what’s the point?

Plus, it’s almost been a year anyway lol.


You are exactly the type of person we need on the council though. One that isn’t just a bootlicker and schmoozer to Blizz all because they want to keep their status


I for one as a solo/casual like having others like me on this council even if it is just a stunt to say they are listening when we all know they aren’t it gives us a voice in Blizzard.


Well, if they release Dragonflight without Dracthyr in it, I’m pretty sure everyone’s getting a refund.


Good thing Slimecat wasn’t on the box.

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True. But it was in the in-game achievement text for months, so … :man_shrugging:


And they could make an achievement with “explore Tel’abim” and never add Tel’abim into the game. Point is it was never live so the achievement might as well not have existed. They fixed it a whole 5 days before the content related to it went live, good enough time to change your plans.

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They are welcome to void the transaction, at least in California, I don’t know the specifics for other states, but Idaho was the same when I visited my sister there. There’s no federal law stating they have to honor marked prices, in fact, there’s federal law stating they can just outright refuse to sell to you.

Now, if they tried to sell it to you for the intended price, that is indeed illegal. They either have to sell it for what it rings up as or don’t sell at all.

Which, I might note, is what Blizzard is doing - they’re trying to “sell” us it at the intended (Normal+) price, rather than honor the advertised (LFR) price, or not selling it at all (not making it available via raid).

A good lawyer could probably get them on false advertising laws, but no one is going to sue Blizzard over this. Lmao.


Ive been complaining about their communication for 10 years, it still hasnt improved. Literally my #1 problem with this game


What kind of logic is this? I subbed for the ksm season 3 mount but I failed to get it because I was lazy. Should Blizzard just give me the mount now?

No where was the mount advertised as a participation mount. Like the tome, there’s a requirement to unlock it. (And just because they mistakenly said it was in on all difficulties does not entitle you to it. It now clarified it’s for normal and up)

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This is 100% accurate. If you advertise at a specific price, and something rings up at a higher or different price it’s actually illegal and called a Bait and Switch. The same happens if you advertise one product but try to sell a different product.

What Is Bait and Switch?
Bait and switch is a morally suspect sales tactic that lures customers in with specific claims about the quality or low prices on items that turn out to be unavailable in order to upsell them on a similar, pricier item.

It is considered a form of retail sales fraud, though it takes place in other contexts. While many countries have laws against using bait and switch tactics, not all occurrences constitute fraud.


Glaivedancer used that example, because we had several threads for weeks and actually Maizou’s thread became the largest discussed topic on CC forums and still nothing from Devs or CMs :grimacing:

If the direction of the PTR error had been reversed(originally said normal plus, then was available from LFR on release with no explanation), there would be almost no complaint threads about that compared to what this is.


You’re right de pending of the approach it could trigger different parts of the player base. I still think there’s a lack lf communication even if normal is their goal design


Of course there wouldn’t. That’s not even remotely illegal. That’s called a “Value Add”. You get more than what you were expecting, which no person in their right mind would argue about.

What they did was a Bait-and-Switch. Advertising one thing, then just before they’re about to deliver, they change the product to something else entirely.

Y’all think all this is going away anytime soon, just wait for week 3 when a lot of these guys will realize they’re not getting a mount in LFR like was stated in the achievement ON LIVE SERVERS for three months. We haven’t even begun to hear the complaints.

The fact they wouldn’t have even told us about it if someone didn’t ask about it. In all honesty, a forum GM shouldn’t have even been the one to mention it in the first place. It should have been officially in the patch notes months ago. If there wasn’t a decision made specifying Normal and up three months ago, that’s a huge oversight at the very least. Especially since the decision was barely mentioned in a quip about “Friendship Runs” 5 days before the patch released.

You can inhale all that copium you want, but people did resub for this, and Blizzard knew they would.


Better Business Bureau case# 17696962

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So then it’s not about the communication, it’s about some players being upset they might have to try something to earn a reward.

There is also nothing remotely illegal about having a bug on the test server that explicitly says subject to change, and fixing it before the bugged content is made available.

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Have you actually read the EULA before opining on it?

“ 1. Alterations to the Platform. Blizzard may change, modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Platform or Accounts at any time, including removing items, or revising the effectiveness of items in an effort to balance a Game. Blizzard may also impose limits on certain features or restrict your access to parts or all of the Platform or Accounts without notice or liability.”

You agreed to this by playing the game.

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Again, an added value is not illegal. If you reserved a regular hotel, and upon arriving they said they accidentally gave your room to someone else, but would upgrade it to the Presidential suite for no extra cost, that’s not illegal and absolutely no one on the planet would complain about it.

This wasn’t just on the test realm. This was on LIVE for months. They knew about it for months.

EULA doesn’t protect a business for shady business practices. False advertising is still false advertising. Blizzard knew for months the, again, LIVE achievement said, “Any Raid Difficulty,” and didn’t update anyone until 5 days before in a throwaway message to encourage “Friendship Runs”. Hell, the achievement only changed on live servers the day of the patch.

This was not a bug fix. This appears to be a conscious decision to deceive. If it weren’t a conscious decision, then it was incompetence. Either way, it’s wrong. Especially given their total silence on the matter.