Its not about LFR.. Its about communication

As mentioned by Maizou the issue isn’t about LFR as option but communication.

During SL Blizzard mentioned that conduit energy was created to limit a small % of players to change constantly, similar to that moment Blizzard should consider that a % of players payed a sub for S4 participation mount, since achievement mentioned any difficulty. Otherwise, Blizzard just continue creating problems where there’s not any problem **dracthyr soar racial… **

That’s bad communication to the community, there’s not even a dev response to CC forums or GD with any insight, even if Normal was the intendend Blizzard should acknowledge their mistake, they don’t need to change it if that’s their intention but at least say something, be polite to your playerbase.


They released a new 6 month sub during this time as well, baiting LFR players to buy it, with the belief we’d have access to earn the cat in content we prefer.

But instead of realizing this, (Which wowhead reported on months ago, FYI, and we know Blizzard reads wowhead), they waited until the week before to say anything.

It’s about the principle of the matter and common decency.

They need to release the Slime Cat in LFR, say they apologize for their mistake, and will be more careful in the future.


And if they want to add a reward for doing it in Normal? Nothing is stopping them. Why not add a Cosmetic Remornia? That’s something people have asked for forever, and it would work as a reward for it, as Nathria is one of the raids, the model already exists, etc. They could hotfix it in.
But the mount was advertised IN GAME IN THE ACHIEVEMENTS for 3 months, as available in LFR.





It really does undermine their so called “desire to listen to player feedback” that they mentioned in the Dragonflight announcement, since instead of giving people at the very least the courtesy of saying “we messed up, it was meant to be on Normal and up only, our bad”, they stealth hotfix the wording without a word from themselves.

I would say I expect better from Blizzard but it’s more like I expect nothing and still get let down.


It’s like Devs and the whole company just wait another day for the next bad new to change the subject or the players memory to forget.

Just like the 500 mount was changed from 1 alpha build to another without checking feedback properly, the slimecat and recently Dracthyr Soaring…


That gold font person went on the weirdest tangent about sub counts lmao


Because Blizzard seems to forget that treating casual players like crap is when the big sub losses always happen. It literally lines up every single time.


Releasing a heritage mount for cash + last minute changes to frustrate players.
They are currently on a winning streak, aren’t they.


It’s about LFR.


We really needed another thread about this. I’m starting to lose track.


It’s cute if you think these threads will end anytime soon if they don’t reverse course, lol.

The only thing I ever recall getting more forum posts about it is flying in WoD.


Your time. Giving it a week or 2 to die off. Season 4 will launch, wotlk classic will launch, people will figure out something to do if they really want to play or not.

There were tons of subjects with more posts. People are just making multiple threads to spam which makes it hard to follow.


Ah, yes, because a topic in the Community Council forum that’s amassed more likes in 3 days than any other post there except the RP post that was backed by an entire discord is totally just going to die off quickly.


It’s a GD topic, of course it will get likes on the forums. Just look wowhead comments or ask ingame if people care as much, they don’t.

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You clearly haven’t been reading the wowhead comments or reddit comments, or mmo-champion, or most discords of outdoor/casual players, etc. now have you?


More than you want to know. If you’re gonna dispute expertise on this just consider the amount of time I read this forum on my profile.

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Of course he hasn’t. He’s trolling you.

He doesn’t care, and you know what? That’s fine. It’s fine to not care, but at least he can have the common decency of not trying to talk down to the people who do care.


I think both idea of making the mount normal and up or LFR up is reasonable.
That’s the only difference I have.

Going this far for one mount when there are tons you can get elsewhere and I’m sure most people don’t have all of them is just absurd.


I think Blizzards mentality here is that they want it to be Normal and up and will wait and see how the season plays out. If things play out well and many people are able to get into Normal and help each other get the mount then great. Might be wrong but I think this is the reason.

No one really cares about the mount itself. Sure players want it, but at the end of the day it’s just a mount. Again, as Maizou stated, it’s about communication. Blizzard had the achievements in the game since April, and since April the achivements have said ‘any difficulty’. The first mention of the cat not being available in LFR was a blue post 5 days ago.

After that nothing but silence, despite a lot of outcry from the forums, twitter, reddit and various fansites like mmo-champion and wowhead.

Now, one day before the season is due to start, they hotfix the achievement and change the text, rather than doing what they should have done, which was to make the cat available in LFR. That’s the real sting.

An example Maizou brings up is that when stores advertise a price, they honor that price even if its a mistake, because it is wrong to mislead customers and tell them that an item is worth X, only to then change the value to the more expensive Y when they get to the checkout. Blizzard mislead subscribers for months, and then double-downed on the misleading act on the last day rather than own up to their mistake and correct the issue.