Yes, I and many experience suicidal thoughts or ideation - amongst other things. Many turn to alcohol or drugs to self-medicate. People are objectified over both diseases - a one size fits all perspective that hinders help.
Suicide claims more lives than murder and natural causes combined. Throw addiction in there and the many lives each individual touches. Then add the people that are afraid to get help. I don’t know, but do you remember when you started figuring something was wrong? That you actually has to call a psychiatrist, therapist, psychologist or someone and not know what the hell was going on? How long one minimizes and acts like nothing is wrong.
The Federal and State governments don’t do much to help and States make it near impossible to get meaningful help and disability services. Finding a good therapist in your price range is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Yeah, to me the “high” part of bipolar just scares me. I’m on meds that have saved my life, but it doesn’t stop the occasional breakthrough of mental mania. All I know is the more “awesome” I feel, never would add empath to my list, I know the fall on the other side is black and extremely hard to crawl out of.
Mental health has many facets. I’ve dealt with it personally, family members, friends, people I’ve lost, and caretaking a close beloved that had a psychotic break. And yeah, it’s as bad as it sounds.
If people don’t know they can’t help us or others. We can’t change the perspectives of the way people even “hear” us! It’s important. Mental health and addiction are the number one killers surpassing even cancer.
You know, I went through breast cancer. If I mentioned it back then everyone acts like I was so brave, and yes I had to be, but when first recognizing mental illness and addiction (trust me, the two go hand in hand,) one doesn’t get near the same sympathy or support.
This month is supposed to help make people aware. Your loved ones need more help than you can know. They can barely admit it. All they know is what their brain is trying to tell them…and it’s pretty bad guys. Educate yourselves, please. You could save a life - that concept is more important than you can possibly know. Don’t give up on them. We’re trying.