IT'S HAPPENING! (player housing)

its a house made out a gigantic brutosaur.

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Didn’t we have player housing in Warlords and the “community” complained that it “divided the player base”, so we did not get player housing again for many expansions until the “community” changed our minds?

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yall understand its over 2 years away right…?

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Wow. If so thats… A bold strategy, Cotton. lets see if it pays off for em.

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$400 for a house

and it’s only available in the rebuild silvermoon with blood elf aesthetic.

happy for you, i dont see the hype as i was never into it in guild wars\eso\bdo\new world. More excited about new classes or spec reworks next xpac

You assume everyone on the forums play these other games. You’d be mistaken.

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That was Ocarina of Time. Majora’s Mask starts you off in the woods with your horse getting stolen. Then you turn into a bush and fall down a hole.

Cue another 10 years of “It’s not real housing”

I hope that is not only Human/Orc favored . And you can place it in every zone . This would avoid Lag …

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We have no idea yet, maybe, it will be flawless and the best player housing ever, just click a button and your RL family can move in. (If they have a sub)

download your consciousness

To me housing is cosmetics. Im worry that we will get a sinple 4 walls and decorate it your self. I rather have survival type housing that i get to built my self. Better not disappoint us blizz

I hope it is something similar to what Rift had / has. Basically, you get an area that can support X number of items. Those items can be placed however you see fit.

Obviously, such a system would result in some highly inappropriate houses, but that’s what reporting is for.

Let’s just hope that player housing will stay and is not a ONE expansion feature that will be abandoned and redundant the following expac.

I hate it when they do that.

No, we didn’t.

If the player housing option is made available at the beginning of the ‘Midnight’ expansion, we have less than one year to wait.

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lol no


Blizzard’s ‘Roadmap’ schedule shows its release to be the Summer of '25…so, seven to nine months, give or take. Some are even saying as early as February, but I can’t find online confirmation of that.

the words ‘predatory practises’ will be used a lot

Why in the world did people ask for this - it is terrible in other games.

bruh. it says REVEAL. idk where you are reading release. lmao

good lord people dont know how to read anymore