It's disturbing how few warriors there are now

Well; I am still playing my rogues, and I’ll keep playing them. I don’t care if the warrior was better in Vanilla Classic or that the lock ans hunter are in TBC Classic.

I love my class and gonna play it anyway.

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I can’t blame them entirely, warrior brings next to nothing aside from some decent DPS and a debuff in raids that only helps themselves, the tank, and further glorify the broken state of hunters.

Why play a class that requires 110% and brings only damage and zero utility to benefit the group, and is entirely group reliant at the same time, when you can play one that barely requires effort in getting pre-bis, and you get to bind your entire rotation to your mousewheel and pump? I’m still playing warrior, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t slowly leveling a healer for the guild just so I have a chance at maybe finding my place in a group if my friends decide to quit this buggy mess.

When you get a hunter in your heroic that doesn’t even know that he is supposed to kite the target into his trap to CC it, you will understand what I’m talking about. Or the hunter that breaks all the CC because he HAS to use multi shot. Or the hunter that doesn’t use arcane shot to dispell enemy buffs, doesn’t feign death when pulling aggro, doesn’t use concussion shot when the target is running away from the tank toward a dps, healer, or other mobs, exc. It’s a long list of bad because all they know is dps because they are FotM big D meter followers.

You may think it’s a joke when some people describe a hunter as a huntard, but it’s usually earned by said player for just being bad.

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Yeah, welcome to my world. I remember in Vanilla WoW that Mages were not all that common as most people had no idea how to play them properly and would get annoyed at just how squishy they were. Move to Classic WoW and thanks to all the YouTubers showing every exploit in the game they are everywhere and if you play one these days, most people think you are a gold farmer and/or booster. The number of people I have had to put on ignore while running through dungeons… :laughing:

E-peen meters are the bane of any cooperative or group activity. I cannot count the number of Mages who caused wipes on Ossirian simply because they could not wait through the first vulnerability cycle to allow the tanks to get threat on the boss. If the first vulnerability was fire, frost, or arcane you can bet there would be at least one Mage going ham on him just in case the other vulnerabilities were nature and/or shadow. I always try to stay away from players chasing numbers. One of the reason I like Final Fantasy XIV is that E-peen meters are expressly forbidden in their ToS. Probably why their community tends to be more cooperative than the standard WoW community is. :wink:


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Its meta brains, who also need to convince themselves they aren’t meta brains, because then its obvious they are just like everyone else, and they cant accept that, because they are unique, and special, except they aren’t. Human psychology is weird.


Just like originally I’ll get mine leveled eventually, it wasn’t ready to go then and isn’t now either. I loved Fury though so I’ll get to it eventually.


Careful not to overdose on copium.

One thing worth mentioning- Rage was heavily nerfed/changed going into TBC.

Warriors feel very different than they did in classic, and require much more gear to get to a point where rage feels good again.

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ZugZug new

Ofc this comes from a hunter.

Hello :wave:

10 char

Been feral since classic launch. Better yet no yiff jokes until this post

Classic I play shaman.

TBC I play druid.

Wrath I play DK.

I already planned it out whatever class suits me best for pvp

I mean when you have muppets parrot “meta” as the only way to do anything, and constantly peddle misinformation and propaganda that you “won’t get invited” if you’re not playing whatever the FOTM is what do you expect? The players of this game are their own worst enemy. All the garbage talk about “how things were” and yet all of that is min-maxed away in the name of trying to show how leet you are and justifying it by whatever means necessary.


They are not wrong.

hey we still exist

Raid Bosses are the ultimate goal though. Soon 5 mans will be just a way to get Badges.

Warriors are still the best Main Tank for 25 mans.

Whaaaa nilla hunter is so much better than steady shot spam. Disagree!

Disagree, damage meters are key to improving the performance of your character. They track interrupts, damage taken, cc broken, and who did what in each of these categories, along with dps of course.

Not using this on a dps class is a red flag to me. “This guy doesn’t even care how his performance is in a group. Probably will be afk half the time and not be a team player at all”.

Side note I tried FF14 and that game’s group content is even easier than classic wow raiding in the world buff meta. No need for meters there when everything is faceroll I suppose.