It's been months and covenant abilities are still imbalanced

I agree, its a complete travesty that convoke the memes is a good spell. We really need to get the queen of england to do something about this already. This injustice cannot stand!

Man, I want to go Venthyr so damn bad, but Mirror’s of Torment seems weak compared to Shifting Power for Arcane and Fire.

Like, it isn’t even about performing well, while this is important to me, Shifting Power almost feels like a “Quality of Life” spell.

You could always go venthyr but, it sounds like you prefer the night fae stuff so yeah.

I mean, it’s a bit hard since it’s trying to balance my love for the Venthyr’s aesthetics and how fitting they are for a mage and how good the Night Fae abilitie is.

I still think the covenant class abilities should have been shared between the same classes with the covenant only altering how they look, for an example, Shifting Power would be a red rose for the Venthyr, Mirror’s of Torment could be some blue wisps for the Night Fae and so on. I don’t know, the powers could be on a weekly lockout so you couldn’t freely change them to suit content and stuff.

They had so many ways of going about this and yet they chose the most limiting option, feelsreallybadman.

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Covenant powers come and go, xmogs that make you look like Tinkerbell the fairy last forever.

Choose what looks good.

Seriously. If the night fae ability for ret was worth half of anything, id have gone right in, just for the mobility. But no matter how good that part is for paladins, I cant justify it because I dont wanna be a toon that just buffs myself or others with halfway worthless stuff every 45 seconds, especially not even being able to pick a specific one at a specific time for a specific reason without jumping through a million hoops.

Yeah , same problem I am having…they should have had conduit abilities unique to the covenant to offset the direct imbalances between the covenants.

Flayed shot is great, but to wait forever to get a conduit that makes it slightly (by a minute margin) better is horrible when out of the box Kyrian is better…

Blizz just came back from their vacation so I wouldn’t expect any meaningful changes for atleast another month.

Even if they buff the weaker ones, they would do so in a way that makes it still behind the chart topper which means whether its 10% or 5% there is still a “best” covenant.

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More like divine TROLL am i right HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Not a legitimate excuse and you’re wrong without question.
They specifically said covenants would be a flavor choice, not a necessity. Some classes/specs have only 1 out of the 4 to choose, stop brown nosing.

They should have made them a new talent row. Blizz will never be able to balance the things. Look at the talents we have now. Some have been garbage for years. It really sucks too, because the themes on some of those covenants are cool. I think tying the abilities to the covenants themselves was the big mistake of this expansion.

  1. We should have been able to pick the covenant we wanted for sanctum/story
  2. We should have been able to choose our signature ability
  3. Class ability should have been our choice from a covenant of our choosing

I mean, all the shadowlands realms are on the same team so why not? Also, since we are not dead, thus not bound to a singular realm/faction in shadowlands, wouldn’t it make sense for us to be using all the powers of the shadowland realms at our disposal to save it?


It’s only been 10 weeks not months!

100% agree.
You promises to balance covenants !
By now, you should have answered the call and let us know what are your plans and calendar !

If they couldn’t even balance azerite powers after almost 2 years… you really think they’re going to balance Covenant abilities in a few months?

You’re surely joking.

On my paladin, I feel gimped not to be Kyrian, at a point, I skip content, like Mythic+. In pvp, I hope pps don’t notice too much I’m not Kyrian/Venthyr.

whats really puzzling to me is why they couldnt just… remove any concept of player power entirely when it came to covenant choice. just stick with utility/flavor abilities. i.e. give everyone a movement ability with a different covenant flavor.

why does everything have to be about min/maxing to this dev team? nothing exists for flavor and fun anymore.

You’re surely right.
We were stupids !

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They should just bin the whole restriction and let anybody use any Covenant power or Conduit since they aren’t interested in keeping them all on par with each other.

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