When exactly does the development team plan to finally actually take onus for their actions and claims that we will get meaningful decisions?
Eg: Druid’s only covenant ability worth taking is the night fae one.
What if I wanted to play necrolord? Their ability is so terrible and so bad in comparison if I took it I’d be kicked from groups.
Please take responsibility for your game blizzard. You promised us covenants would be balanced and meaningful choices. The only meaningful choice right now is to utterly GIMP yourself or not.
On my warlock I just hate/loathe having to go Night Fae or Kyrian. Forest or Angles are not for a warlocks liking.
And it’s because the other 2 Covenants that would fit a warlock, are not usable dps wise. Only Necro for Destruction, but then Destruction needs a buff!
You believed them when they said they would balance the thousands of choices you have between classes, covenants, soulbinds, and conduits? Jokes on you Mr. 11 mage who can’t even pick a covenant.
I have to admit that, when the expansion first came out, I was vocal in telling folks to pick what they wanted. I bought in to a lot of the narrative that the covenant abilities would not be egregiously out-of-whack.
I was dead wrong. If you are a prot paladin, for instance (or holy, I suppose), Kyrian is almost a must for divine toll. Whether or not the numbers bear out that this is ACTUALLY necessary in things like low level keys, the nature of this community means you must conform to that expectation or be willing to take a lot of stick.
Venthyr hunter’s Flayed Shot is still the worst covenant spell in the game; it hits like throwing a wet paper bag on the target. The night fae hunter spell is massively overpowered.
The devs said they would make sure things are balanced.
It’s okay to admit that there are massive differences in power between covenants for certain classes. This is what happens when Blizzard continues to attach player power to outside sources.
Covenant abilities should’ve never been a thing in the first place
Wait covenants have different abilities thereby making them different for effectiveness and some people will pretend that is why they are doing less DPS or having issues getting groups ? Film at 11.
That depends on your spec. RNG is bad for tanks. If you are about to die and Convoke is in a mangling kind of mood, then you probably aren’t going to make it.
For Guardian, Venthyr is the best defensively late-game while Necrolord is the highest sustained single-target DPS.