It's been months and covenant abilities are still imbalanced

Take it easy now, you would not want to damage their fragile ego’s or worse, stress them out. It’s not like the Holidays are Over.

Oh wait…

The beta lasted months.

They specifically said they would not change what is the “best” covenant until a major patch so that people would not suddenly find themselves heavily invested into a covenant just to have to suddenly change because of a hotfix.

It’s fun in torghast when you get a few stacks of the anima buff that increases killshot by 100% and are mowing down floor bosses with multiple 50k crits.

The least they could do is change the WORST covenant, or, you know, actually BALANCE IT OUT so we’re not forced into playing any covenant we don’t like if we don’t want our covenant abilities to be nigh unusable. Maybe buff the weak ones instead of nerfing the chart toppers?


next expansion


At least Hunter’s have a choice between Kyrian and Night Fae, I think there’s only around a 3%~ damage difference, and Kyrian is better for PvP anyways. Some classes only have 1 choice.

I assume you mean ST here, since it’s a pure AOE ability. It wouldn’t be the first AOE spell that is useless ST, but that does feel bad for a covenant spell.

Probably it should have some additional damage to the primary target on detonation to make it ST usable, or it could be a Soul Shard generator (2 immediately and another 2 on explosion? That would probably be worth pressing even if it did literally 0 damage). Or anything with the DoT on it could take X% additional damage from you and your demons.

There is, frankly, a lot of stuff that needs buffs right now, including some entire specs (which they are in fact working on); releasing the expansion just before Christmas obviously was not good for their ability to attend to balance issues promptly. But that was last year. How about we throw out some helpful suggestions for what they could improve this year?

I refused to be fairy on my Druid. This is the first time in my WoW life that I had to make a performance sacrifice for the sake of aesthetics as Convoke is by far the best overall covenant ability in the game.

Vampire werebear FTW.

It’s almost like we’ve been saying this SINCE THEY ANNOUNCED IT.


VDH worst covenant is NF, but I love the zone and the lore so I’m a NF. The Hunt is fun and conduits are ‘meh’ but soulshape and the fairy zone to match my sprite darter mog is worth it.

Look, losing Twilight Devastation was soulcrushing. Divine Toll makes it hurt a little less, ok?

“Hmm I wonder what Somalion’s random anecdotal opinion is on the matter.” - No one ever

Indeed. We almost never use it. I guess its OK for solo stuff like world quests or Torghast, if you try and get 20 mobs gathered in one spot - but that is about the only time we even think of using it.

Actually casting it is often a DPS loss.

I think about swapping to Kyrian as time goes on. My Warlock is more of an Alt, so I didn’t think the Gameplay Bonuses would matter as much compared to the aesthetics and lore. But the Kyrian bonuses actually help you - the Venthyr bonuses are ignored.

It is… disheartening. They need to remove the cast time, or shorten it, or up the damage.

My Druid is Night Fae. At least I feel great when I play him, lol.

Well the OP did as they want opinions on covenant abilities or they would not have posted on a discussion form to discuss them.
Yes I know I shot myself in the foot, but the difference is small enough between them that I’m still happy with it.

You actually paid for, and wear, the Darter mog so your opinion is automatically voided.


Technically, they were imbalanced in beta as all.

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I got a 6 month sub and the mog was free so :man_shrugging: it cost me nothing.

guys he’s still talking. Does anyone know where Somalion’s off switch is?

Also that might be the dumbest guild name I’ve ever seen.

This is what I’m not liking about this xpac.

Power should not be tied to a hard choice.