It's Been an ENTIRE YEAR Since Brutosaur Showed Up on ANY NA BMAH

And I’m sorry not sorry that I’m not changing my stance, no matter how much you whine about my perceived double standards.

I see nothing wrong with bringing certain things back and not others. It all depends on the situation on which they were removed.

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Well at least you recognize it is a double standard. So that’s a start.

Well I do.

And as long as the mantra is that “stuff can go away” and “it was advertised as such” … then this should fall in the same category. Full stop.

I have brutosaurs. All my characters have a brutosaur. In fact, I only had to buy one brutosaur to get unlimited brutosaurs.

Nope. Not sure how many times you want me to say I’m not agreeing with that or changing my mind :woman_shrugging:

“It’s ya boy, Yonbi!”

What’s up, Yonbi? You’re cool.

Should be thrown on the store for $1.99 each. Oooh, you ran around an arena and used your abilities on other people, look at you. Soooo special. Nobody cares anymore. eSports was a flop. There’s no more value in Gladiator now than there is in Doubleagent leveling to cap using only Herbalism. In fact, his undertaking has more value because at least it was unique.

Frankly, Gladiators and M+ Raiders don’t do anything deserving of exclusive anything when compared to the rest of us. Therefore, exclusivity (if it exists at all) should be found only in situations such as limited time promotions (Tyral’s Charger, BlizzCon, etc.)

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Achieving Gladiator has been around longer than esports so I’m not sure what your point is here.

Doubleagent hit level cap by streaming himself picking flowers but leaving out the part where he turned in 5 pet battle dailies every day, cutting a huge chunk of his grind out.

They do that already. It’s called the STV AH in CT so no one sees them.

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You don’t have to.

The game devs do.

I don’t want the gladiator mounts. I just want to make people who got them shut up about it. lol

I mean, I can always show off my mounts they’ll never have in response to their bragging, but it sucks for newbies who are trying to play the game when a gladiator or a keystone raider descends on them like, “Look at this mount. I have it because I am awesome. You could be like me someday!” :roll_eyes:

I don’t care that much though. Arena Junies and Raiders are cut from a similar cloth. I just dislike competitive mindsets is all. :person_shrugging:

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Where do they talk about it?

Mostly on Streams, not so much in-game or even on the forums, though it used to be worse on the forums. Most of the super hard core Arena folks have gone silent - I imagine they quit.

But it’s just the deific reverence they are given by people who idolize them and then seeing the way they respond to it. Ugh.

I don’t dislike PvP or the idea of PvPing. It’s the contest element that bothers me. I’d rather express my distaste for the opposite faction by slaughtering their weakest citizens so that the strong and capable become demoralized over their failure to protect the vulnerable. That’s the sort of vibe that resonates with me. That whole showdown at high-noon, let’s see who’s the better man stuff… not for me. I feel like certain classes are at an inherent disadvantage in Area as compared to their advantage in the open-world, and those are the classes I would play to kill enemy players, for reasons that are negated by a BG or Arena scenario.

I like being an opportunist and striking when the enemy is not prepared to do battle.

In Arenas and BGs, they are always prepared and aware that a fight could happen at any moment.

The changes to War Mode and Sharding are the reasons why I stopped playing a Rogue. My favorite hobby was always ganking the unsuspecting, but now none of them are in my WM enabled instance.

Not sure what exactly you’re trying to say, but if it’s what I think it is, a lot of us are fine with it being put on the vendor for gold cap.

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I think that would be an ok compromise.

They changed their minds you know they do this right?

More like they break something and leave it broke. That’s not ok for them to do that.

They still haven’t fixed the transmog bug.

LOL which one? There are several. That’s not ok either :stuck_out_tongue:

Store mogs disappearing

I’m saying if we don’t bring back elite pvp mogs or other challenge mode mogs, then the bruto should not come back either.

If we are going to say that some rewards are FOMO or “advertised as such” then we need to be consistent.

Personally I’m fine with getting rid of FOMO rewards as a whole… but if that isn’t the plan, then sorry bruto should not come back.

Otherwise it is just a double standard.

You’re implying that Bruto was supposed to have been removed from the game. It wasn’t.

Blizzard made it crystal-clear it’d be available on the BMAH. It was up until July of last year. Then it effectively disappeared after the “add it to the container” hotfix. It was seen once, maybe twice (according to a wowhead comment) since then on the EU, and that’s it. It hasn’t been on the NA BMAH for a year.

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