Its actually so disgusting that SoD sees ANY AMOUNT of class tuning but retail does not

Why do we pay for this product again exactly? Maybe we all really should just unsub when they put more effort in a off brand bullcrap wow over the actual game


You know the games really bad when chillpills makes a thread and doesnt even mention frost dk once


Even worse, we agree with it…


it actually makes me furious considering i spend money for retail (or time farming tokens), the main product, But it seems that the ACTUAL main product is GARBAGE SOD


I do agree, it is extremely upsetting watching all the SoD changes and retail is left to rot.


The difference between SoD and Retail is the same difference as like, Valorant and Retail.

Two entirely different teams that have zero crossover.

SoD team doesn’t have anything to work on other than the current version of the game.

Retail team (just like the middle / end of every 3rd season) has moved the majority of their resources in to getting the next expansion of retail ready for EoY release.

Not saying there aren’t things that need to be changed but comparing SoD to retail is troll.


Already extremely aware of that

That would be the literal problem here. That the side project still sees more class adjustments than the live game

I do not give a single fu** what they are working on for next expansion they should NEVER abandon CURRENT LIVE SERVICE RETAIL to work on the next expansion

If they cant do both at once, Sounds like they need to HIRE more people to be capable of having 1 team constantly working on future content and one team CONSTANTLY working on what is already actively available, and fixing bugs and class imbalances

Im so sick of hearing “Oh just wait until next patch, oh just wait until next xpac” like naw, They can wait to never recieve money from me again if theyre gonna make me pay a monthly sub fee, for them to do LITERALLY NOTHING in those months except add more c&m guzzler outfits in the store for people who love to eat shi* to consume


greatly agree with you chill even my gmate begin to take this is a joke we pay for something in return that the game should be updated and fix the problem with some class but instead we get nothing at all

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But this is just wrong. SOD could easily just say “wait for next phase” and not do anything for 3-4 months, mirroring retail.

They just don’t because they actually care about what they’re pushing out, even if it’s not a great phase for SOD, they still care.

Retail changes don’t have to have 80+ people working on it to say “hey this thing is a bit much, lets nerf it.”


Agree with the sentiment but they do this every expansion and everyone buys it anyway. We’ve never once voted w/our wallets and have actually only paid more and more for expansions every single time they drop.

Blizzard has slapped the pvp community so many times, even with the whole “Buy this toy and we’ll put it in the prize pool” shenanigans they pulled.

It will never change.

I havent bought the next expansion yet, I do not plan to buy it, Oldhead boomer chris metzen was not enough to get me back on track with this garbage.

Until people wake the hell up and actually start speaking with their money that is

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I fully agree with you brother, truly I do. I’d love nothing more than this game getting the attention it should.

PvP would be the main game if they legit put even half the effort into pvp as they did PvE and adding all those lame new dungeons and raids that people will never go into again after the expansion ends, Other than briefly to farm transmog or mounts mindlessly while they alt tab and watch stuff on youtube netflix or hulu on their second monitor

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Reworks and buffs aren’t necessarily needed. Underperformers aren’t always underperformers because the spec is bad, but because hte meta doesn’t translate to allow the spec to be playable. You do not want a frost dk in this DH meta, short and simple. You can make it work, but you won’t like it.

In fact, reworks are just the way of saying that they don’t know what to do with x spec, and they don’t want to listen to the people playing the spec, so let’s just get rid of it and start from scratch. Then it becomes a problem, because the rework tends to create MORE problems.

Sorry but this take is wrong

Frost DK without a doubt, needs a rework

DH has nothing to do with FDKs problems right now

Even if obliterate hit for 400k the problems in FDKs design would still be all the same

Same goes for specs like MM hunter, Which even despite being extremely and grossly overtuned, is still hardly good because its inherent design is flawed

Again, wrong lol

Nah, Ret rogue mage and DH got reworked and its all been sunshine and rainbows for 3 of the 4. (rets rework got overnerfed because people whined really loud and some of the things that got nerfed probably didnt need it)

The only problem that was created each time was a raw % tuning problem in that their abilities hit way to hard, Those problems are extremely easy to fix

The problems that arent easy to fix are the ones that arent related to tuning but a mechanical function in the game. Example from DK being death and decay being a huge part of your damage rotation and throughput, Despite being a very tiny unmoveable circle that you put on the ground

Mechanically speaking for PvP that is extremely bad, Even in PvE its mechanically bad, Tanks pull mobs and bosses out of it all the time. With some of those times being unpreventable



i mean, it does

I didnt make this post with frost in mind at all, Dude just said that reworks arent necessary when i can infact, think of more than 4 specs off the top of my head that need reworks frost happens to be one of them

I got the farts tonight, shoot wrong chat box again.

Pvpers have been quitting for ages

just cancelled my sub, maybe ill come back if they tune the game. im not paying a monthly sub for a game that is actively ignored. saying the devs are busy working on next expac is BS because you have to buy that separately. would only be a viable reason if expac’s were included with our sub, but they arent.