Its actually so disgusting that SoD sees ANY AMOUNT of class tuning but retail does not

If I could not pay for wow using gold I would not be playing at the moment. And going forward I don’t even know if I’m going to buy the next expansion. A multi million dollar company can’t even be bothered to communicate with paying subscribers on their forumboard about ongoing issues with PvP. It’s pretty alarming


It kinda feels like they moved all their retail dev resources over to the next expansion. Maybe it’s really behind schedule and they need a lot of help.

Even if they “fix” retail, there won’t be many new subs coming in, so it’s low priority.

We’ve been abandoned. Retail is already in maintenance mode (i.e. just make sure players can log into the game).



Is awc this weekend? We might see changes afterwards. That’s how it happened last season isn’t it?

I tuned in for one round yesterday when I had time. Watched voidgg kill dh behind the pillar cuz he was solo tunneling the rdruid with no trinket. Dh buffs Inc.

The game isn’t nearly as bad as you all act like it is. I’m not saying there aren’t things that aren’t gross, but your perception of the quality of the game is skewed and bias. The game is never 20% as bad as those that don’t log off of it act like it is.

Once again, you all pretend like this is a business or some branch of legislation. It’s a video game, and Blizzard is a business. They don’t owe you anything. If you dont’ like the product log off the game and stop paying.

Your argument about them paying more people to spend more time working on the game. Why should they do that? Do you know anything about business? Do you know even the first thing about what it takes to run any company at all, let alone a massive conglomerate the size of Blizzard, that is handcuffed with what they can and can’t do because of executive at other companies that have eaten them giving them strict orders. Pretending like it’s as simple as “LuL hIrE mOrE PeoPlE” is so insane assinine and immature. You know nothing about business at mass.

There are always things that suck about WoW and go un-addressed. Should it be that way? Maybe not, but by and large the game is and continues to be better than it ever has before and Blizzard isn’t concerned with the whinging of someone who never logs off the game.

Your $15 means nothing, go do something else.

Huh? All of those specs are very good, not just 3/4. The only one that isn’t seeing play as much is mage and thats because dh/rogue/lock are unkillable.

Ret was definitely NOT overnerfed. If anything it could still see a nerf to sanc and sac. Ret is one DH nerf away from seeing ret/war/fw as the most popular r1 ladder comp for the 3rd season in a row.

I agree that MM is wonky, but overtuned??? How do you figure?

How would you rework FDK?

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You could post this in every thread.

Might as well say no complaints in the forums.

anyone that sees this post and doesnt click on it is against making PvP better in this game.

Careful brother he alts ret, you’re 100% correct also

90% of the FDK changes in pvp that happened were direct suggestions from the OP. Worked out great no? Like 2-3 months dude wouldn’t post in dk forums b/c of that.

Ah well even a blind squirrel finds a nut I guess, meaning the first post in this thread. The OP has zero clue what FDK needs to be decent in pvp.

Not right NOW because of the stam buffs and healer trinket nerfs as well as lock/rogue/dh being demons, but for the majority of dragonflight, FDK has been fine (in 3v3, not shuffle). It’s just an INCREDIBLY frustrating playstyle to play as and against.

It’s more than decent. There were literally 3 different teams who were lifetime duelist and maybe 1x glad who got r1 in df season 1 as FDK.

What I think is tough is finding the balance between OP burst and low sustained vs making a reskin of unholy.

“Traditional arms warrior damage model with dk utility” just sounds miserable to fight. Nobody misses damply bleeding out in the heartstop meta

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What’s particularly sad is this entire forum is full of posts like this, and yet not a single comment from a blue. It’s a bit of a head scratcher for sure. They generally have not been quite THIS bad with communication.

Blues don’t really like talking with people on the forums because of how toxic they are. There was a time where they tried to make it so people had to use their real names, and, well, that ended up just as you think it would.

Common phrase in the arsenal of those incapable of actually doing that thinking themselves

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hope any Devs can clarify this for us ASAP

I’m sure you invented the wheel Nelphy.

crusade bump n stuff

I was literally going to make a post about this and I’m so happy someone else did. This is insanity how out of tune this company is being right now.

Needs some democracy in their studio.

As long as they don’t give frost ranged attacks I don’t think the two would overlap that much.

Frost’s forever issue is that it’s godawful into casters. Other melee not so much until you get to the point skill wise when utility matters then frost is boned esp with all the mobility in the game right now. Rogue/DH and others being good right now isn’t really frosts problem. That may sound conflicting but what I’m trying to get at is even if you gutted damage across the board for those other classes frost would lose on not being able to make plays as much as other set up classes. Therefore it needs to stop being a setup spec.

The pvp talents are awful, and as always the dev team looks to balance burst and sustain around frost fever. There’s a really good reason they stopped this with unholy, it doesn’t work.

We haven’t gotten a new BG in like 8 years.

The AWC peaked at like 22k views.

It’s over bros.