Its a vicious cycle

chinese farmers and bots everywhere farming every single thing you can think of 24/7 to sell gold to people who buy gold because they are either lazy or dont have time to farm or cant farm because there are a million chinese farmers and bots everywhere farming every single thing you can think of 24/7 to sell gold to people who buy gold because they are either lazy or dont have time to farm or cant farm because there are a million…


Indonesian bots/farmers on OCE.

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You say farmers and bots, blizz sees “subscribers playing the game they want.” Blizzard can stop the cycle anytime they want. I used to arena with someone who bought gold cap. 200,000 gold. He got a 3 day ban and they left the gold?

Imagine robbing a bank, going to jail for 3 days, and then they let you keep the cash.

If there was actually real consequences people would stop. Like people who afk honor farm get 2 week ban and all honor stripped. What a joke their team is honestly.

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