It's a Feature, Not a Bug

I did, yeah.


For a lot of people, myself included, it is the mechanics of the game. The current gameplay is basically a different game in comparison.

Another huge factor is server community, if they went back to the isolated servers of old with current wow it would be a lot more appealing for many!

Lol I can’t read the Classic forums and be excited about the idea of a whole community of that.

I’ll play Classic by myself or with WrA friends, thanks.

Honestly I think this is the bigger draw for most people, and what will keep some folks playing Classic servers. Obviously you’re still gonna have bad eggs and the people who will defend/endorse their behavior, but without CRZ it’ll be much easier to blacklist the people you don’t want anything to do with.

On the flipside, and obviously there’s a nostalgic bias here, PvP was especially fun when you could enter a zone/BG and recognize names every time (and know when you were in for a roflstomp because you knew the names in the HWL/GM premades).


Oh yeah, I fully admit there are honest-to-goodness enthusiasts. I just feel that hardcore hobbyist type is probably going to be all that’s left in those servers once those players with a less realistic perspective actually have the initial excitement wear off.


There’ll absolutely be a dropoff after the first month or two, when people still playing through rose-colored lenses see the old systems and maybe don’t enjoy them as much as they remember.

I think the way it’s going to play out is people will do their dailies/raid times/weekly upkeep junk on Live, and then go fart around in Classic until the next wave of chores. When I was playing WoW daily I’d usually use another MMO in the same way, and I think Classic will be a good filler game for people that play Live in a more casual fashion.


Yeah agree aswell there will be a dropoff for sure!

I think the one deciding factor of player retention is classic is whether you get yourself into a guild, get some friends, and get sucked in to some sort of progression whether casual, raid or pvp!

I look forward to those server rivalries!

I wish I had reason to believe the community will be healthy and friendly in general.

I really do.

I’m excited for Classic, but the people are not one of my reasons. Hopefully on RP servers it will be less hellish.


I’ve heard it best spoken, thus far, when someone said along the lines of classic not being nostalgic enough. As in, it’s effectively impossible to recapture what was most people’s first grand adventure into the MMORPG genre. It’s still different, and nostalgic, but it’s also still at it’s core just World of Warcraft.

I’ll also echo the above about the community potential… I think incredibly few people either left or coming back are going to be the “good” sort, but that’s a universal issue as far as I would think.

There’s a lot of needless spite in many camps about the whole affair so a few months post launch (as well as the inevitable 8.2/8.3 content around / after that) will be very informative about the state of both services.

All I can say, personal wise, is that people are way too invested in connecting a series of unrelated issues into a scapegoat. Classic isn’t going to reflect on retail in any meaningful way any more than retail is going to benefit from the revenue that Classic makes. But boy howdy is the whole bloody internet ready to pick a side on the matter.


Mogo like classic.

Mogo like retail.


I think it’d be really cool if people could quit being sulky, but I’m not holding my breath.

My aim is to find a nice guild, carry out my very stupid niche plan for making gold, and just generally screw around. Classic could be pretty fertile RP ground thanks to its slower pace and relative lack of things to do, so if people want to build a scene there I’m totally jumping in.

Nothing nostalgic about all that, at least for me. This is a fundamentally different experience than what I was doing in the mid aughts.


You might change your mind when you try it.

I will be permanently switching to Classic when it releases.

BFA is just not for me, tried alot to enjoy but nah couldn’t find it fun


It would be nice. I know some people who seem to have some weird, obnoxious hate thing going for it - every time they open their mouth about it, it’s as if it’s time to rake it over the coals and talk about how funny they think it’ll be when it fails, or when people realize that it’s not what they want and blah blah blah, so on and so forth.

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I’m sure they will be? I mean, the General Discussion forums are also full of trolls and people whining and griping and being jerks over every little thing, too. That doesn’t reflect on the silent majority who aren’t posting, or on sever communities as a whole.

Classic forums are basically the same as General forums except the topic is “Classic” and not “BFA”.

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Me too. I can’t even bring myself to level to 120 this expac. I skipped most of MOP because I disliked it, forced myself to finish Cata, skipped WOD entirely, and thought Legion was ok-ish but maybe that’s because I liked the DH class fantasy (do not like what it feels like in BFA, however, so shelved my DH, too).

I just don’t think “modern” WoW is for me :confused:

Anyone who said that nobody wanted Classic WoW for years was pretty much lying.

Blue checkmarks on twitter spouting:

“nobody cares about WoW”

“nobody wants this”

“nobody will care about this”

“Who gives a crap about asmonbald”

Guy gets 100k viewers at once while clearing deadmines. “You think you want it but you don’t.” :thinking:

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Just like whenever a new MMO releases there are some people running around telling you it’s the greatest game ever and some people running around telling you it’s terrible and going to fail.

It’s just slightly more awkward this time because the game already once release in 2004.


I’m honestly pretty excited about Classic overall. Despite any issues, Classic WoW was really special to me, and even if I’m not remembering it 100% accurately, and it doesn’t recapture that feeling, it’ll still be a nice trip down memory lane, that we’re not being charged extra for.

My only complaints are about the hostility surrounding it. Aside from that, there’s really nothing to whine about in terms of Classic being a thing.