It's a Feature, Not a Bug

Now kith.

Post must be at least 10 characters.

I’m honestly just having a **** day and wish I hadn’t even made this thread. I cant seem to post anything with pissing people off anymore.

It’s whatever. Whatever everyone’s doing, hope they’re having fun, peace out.

I’m interested in Classic because I never played it and it seems like an entirely different game, and a chance to play a different game that’s still Warcraft is a fun idea to me. Maybe I’ll get to play it more like an RPG, where there’s game to play outside of an instance. I love retail, and I’ll keep playing it, but I want to try Classic.

I get being snide, on both sides. Not to take it to a weird place, but it’s a lot like politics. It’s not actually the people you disagree with that put you on edge, it’s the people you disagree with that also are running around telling everyone you (or people like you) are an idiot and you’re going to be miserable soon. It puts a chip on your shoulder. I get it.

I imagine plenty of other people are feeling the same way, so I’m pretty sympathetic both to people who are interested in playing it and those who are not, for various reasons, and I’m pretty forgiving about the tension. It’s hard to not get a little defensive or antsy when people are running around saying the things that they are.


I’ve been playing since late Vanilla/Early BC, but I’ve never gotten a beta invite in my life. My wife has been playing nearly as long, but hasn’t put in nearly as many hours. Still, she got one for BfA and I didn’t.

I’m pretty sure there’s a more complex algorithim at work than simply time subscribed/played. They probably want to get opinions across a wide swathe of player types. You’ll want people who seem to do a lot of PvP, people who only quest, people who have explored every inch of the gameworld but have never stepped foot in a raid, married women in their twenties, single men in their forties, and all types in between.

Been there called that.

While no in-game displayed achievements aren’t a huge deal, I do wish there was some sort of means of obtaining them to be displayed on your main account under a ‘classic feats’ tab or something. Just for things like hitting level 60, clearing whole raids, completing certain questlines, etc, stuff clearly displayed on your main account to show you’ve been doing stuff on classic servers, and maybe have the achievements show up on the classic launcher tab instead of in-game to keep the immersion of classic servers up.

Otherwise, I still look forward to playing this again, bugs and all. I won’t play it much, but I’ll chip away at levels here and there, and maybe one day actually get into a PuG for UBRS. x’D


I will be glad to play Classic and I like the dedication from the team. I do wish both sides would stop being so terrible though. Play the game you enjoy and leave the other group to the game they enjoy. And if you’re like me and you’ll enjoy both I’m sure you’re already tired of the bickering that goes on.

I hope that it’s successful and we can get other launches of various game states.


I mostly look forward to seeing the old questing content, then RPing. Being able to enjoy a universe where things are simple and my characters aren’t under constant threat of over-dramatic death via sylvanas will be grand


Are you kidding? We’re going back to the days when a pair of Forsaken Rogues getting the jump on you was a near guaranteed death sentence!


Thanks, now I’m actually even more excited for classic than I was before; and, I dont even have a plan for what I’d be playing, heh.

I’m just super intrigued to see the world again, prior cata. And tbh, the ‘bugs’ sound funny…I want to see how long I’d last :joy:

Unless you were a nelf hunter :wink: Flare + shadowmeld + ice trap + pet on aggressive + aimed shot from shadowmeld + hunter mark + a whole slew of other tricks takes care of most rogues pretty fast (in BGs anyway–I don’t play PVP servers).

I miss the days when hunters were the bane or rogues.

If I have a sub when Classic launches I’ll def give it a whirl for nostalgia’s sake, but I suspect I’m too enamored of the QOL improvements that have come over the years to get too invested. But a little memory lane is cool and I’m glad of the opportunity. I started playing in BC, but that’s structurally a lot closer to Classic than now.

I wonder if they’ll eventually do “nostalgia servers” of more than one game era. Wrath was really my jam; I might emigrate back to that entirely if I had the option.

Are there going to be RP servers on Classic?

Also, do you have to opt in to these beta invite thingies? I might give that a whirl.

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So I’ve heard, yes.

If you’d like a chance to get in, yes :slight_smile:

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There are quite a few QOL features I will miss. AOE Looting being probably the biggest one as someone who likes to farm mobs. But, I don’t think it’ll impact me so much I would avoid Classic. I liked it back then and I believe I’ll like it now.

I personally don’t miss having to run around looking like someone who took only a single piece from every costume in a dressing room for their outfit.


We’re murderhobo’s, not murderstylisthobo’s!


To be fair, if magical artifacts existed and they granted substantial enhancements to personal capabilities everyone would slap on the latest and greatest regardless of aesthetic outcome.

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I would consider it a deadly insult if Blizzard invited me to partake in a period of the game where I was most bored, most lonely, and most miserable. I cannot drive the wooden stake deep enough into the heart of that fetid old horror.

A few of my best friends have long since quit WoW but are excited for Classic. I’m gonna play with them. If they actually enjoy it and stick around then I could see myself playing it for a while. But at the very least I’m gonna dabble for sure.

I’m thinking of a Fem Nelf Rogue main. Male Gnome Lock and Male Human Pally alts. Ye ye.

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I once memed on Twitter about how ESO gave me a Summerset Isles beta invite, and then Blizzard gave me the BfA beta invite.

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