Items missing from guild bank

Logged in today. Went to the guild bank. A massive amount of items are missing. Profession materials, gear, enchants. Checked the logs and nothing was removed for 19 days. Did Blizzard purge my bank?


You should add your data point (showing an issue) to the bug report thread… they won’t look at your issue in General Discussion. Alternatively, you could submit a bug report in-game through the Support button.


Already submitted a report and made a separate topic before seeing your post, but I’ll add my words to the thread you provided. Thought I had been hacked until I seen the bank logs. Even those aren’t accurate. Said the last transfer occurred 19 days ago and then when I reopened the bank it said 9 days.

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Same here, at first I thought my inventory was culled of discontinued items but discovered that it was only my guild bank that was robbed and all my alts still had their private stocks.


My items from my guild bank don’t get returned by the time my time runs out im done with this game… Or they think they can compensate me for lost of items. then maybe ill stay but highly doubt it-- i am pretty much a lone wolf and has spent many years farming items that i need or wanted. My most Prize items to me Are Gems unno Why but i spend hard time collecting them and everything else. everything is gone except nick nacs. i will not spend years refarming my items. but will spend new years on a new game that will not be a blizzard product. So work hard Blizzard Company id like to stay but i mean if my times up its up…


I have both a horde and an alliance guild and the banks in both are now missing a lot of items. The horde one has over 90% of the items gone. I have 6 tabs in my horde guild bank and each tab now has only about 5 or 6 items. I had a tab in my alliance guild bank that was completely full of 16-slot or greater bags and now over half of them are gone. I have tried to fell out a trouble ticket and I can’t seem to be able to get one created.

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I have an entire tab of pets that are missing from my guild bank now.