Itemization in WoW Classic

Nah actually I proved your post made no sense and instead of addressing it you laughed because you don’t actually have a way to refute.

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I dunno what to think about this. I see why they are doing what they are doing, and I also see why some people, the church of no changes, will be upset about this.

I’m just going to say it, the no change crowd wants a re-release of classic wow, from it’s original form, and progress to 1.12. I don’t agree with everything about it, but I also don’t disagree with some things that they are saying.

But I also want to point out ONE KEY PHRASE that blizzard has said when they took this project on. They wanted to make it as close to an authentic classic experience as possible. I’m 100% certain that what I wrote isn’t the same, but the context is there. We are getting classic back, but it’s going to be, slightly different. But, it’ll be the same in it’s finale form.

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He did actually. C’thun was unkillable for the first month after AQ gates opened, not the first month of the game.


If you follow that conversation back it’s ultimately about original epic mounts (the unarmored kind) and how they shouldn’t exist because Blizz isn’t following content progression.

I’m simply saying that that’s not really true. The existence and availability of items in Classic is dictated by what phase we’re in. So logically items that were available in that timeframe (like original epic mounts) could exist.

True, but Blizzards idea of content progression is “Additive Progression”. As far as I can tell, they’re not removing anything at all.

I’d like those mounts to be available, especially the Rainbow Raptor but I do doubt it.


That’s valid. Were there items available in dungeons and raids earlier in Vanilla that were no longer available in 1.12? If so, that could happen in Classic.

Blizz said they’re using the 1.12 version of any items, but not necessarily the outright existence of ones that were removed or added. I would assume you’re right, but at this point I wouldn’t call it impossible.

While I can’t name one off the top of my head, I’m sure there are.

I didn’t really explain that very well I realize. Think about it like this…any item from DM, or any raids past MC and Ony won’t exist at Classic’s launch. Well, they’ll exist in the database, but won’t be available. Now, these unarmored mounts in 1.12 exist in the database, but won’t be available. So it’s just the inverse. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say if we have to wait for certain items to become available, certain items might also only be available for a certain amount of time.

In any event, I’m obsessing way too hard over this. It’s not a huge deal, but I think it would be cool.

While I’d love one, I honestly won’t have the gold by CP2.

Something like that I think would better off be left for us to find out in game.

You’re finally level 5-10 you make it Kharanos,Orgrimmar, Senjin you see the unarmored mounts are available. Suddenly you have a new goal as they are sure to be gone at a moments notice.

With everything we know so far everyone still seems so nitpicky trying to get every little detail answered without leaving anything to actually discover in game


I believe Tree was referencing that Cthun was impossible to kill for 1 month after he was released because of how tentacle spawns worked. Not that Cthun wasn’t in the game the first month.

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What if we want to have a chance at killing these supposedly unkillable bosses.

Go to classic DB, I can’t link anything.

It was considered “mathematically impossible” to kill cthun until he was hotfixed.

It’s hard to say, I haven’t seen the math myself but i heard it was done with the the best items in mind at the time. Because of the old bis being used, some of the items used in the math may not provide compared to modern day bis. On top of this there were also technology limitations that made raiding far harder, such as bad connections and slow computers. And then finally we the plays ultimately don’t know what C’thun’s real stats were in the system, we could only guess. At the end of the day we can really only say it was impossible back then with what the players knew and had available to them.

Ethor way, It would still be fun to have a go at the boss that was said to be impossible. Also if anyone any information regarding the math with modern day theorycrafting I think it would be very interesting to see.

It definitely was, and done by Ion Hazzikostas, the Guild Leader of Elitist Jerks. However, if they’re not doing progressive itemisation, there’s no point in temporarily making C’thun harder either.

It was one of the “Fun Weekend” events I suggested in another thread, to allow temporary changes to show what it was like ‘at a different patch’

This is my view, although not having the progressive changes to item stats won’t create a better experience for all, as there are people who are very disappointed by this news.

Also, I want to point out that it won’t just be the players new to vanilla who don’t know the history of item changes (not that I think you implied this in any way), it will also be some vanilla veterans, like myself, who have never played on illegal servers and haven’t experienced these changes in over a decade, or who have never played the high-end content that was affected by the changes to item stats, also like myself.

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When the final content update releases it wouldn’t be more authentic, as we wouldn’t have the original final meta; it would be something that’s not vanilla. The way they are planning to do it will result in a pretty authentic final product (aside from loot-trading in raids and some minor variances), while your suggestion would not. However, although I don’t agree with you, I do understand where you’re coming from.

There will be players who don’t rank in PvP for gear simply because they don’t enjoy it. Personally, I won’t try to get to rank fourteen, or any rank requiring me to no-life PvP; I enjoy PvE content significantly more.

This may be the most disappointing development for Classic…

“I really feel like the large majority of people perusing this forum have zero idea how impactful the lack of progressive itemization is to trivializing the early stages of content. Sure, MC and Ony aren’t necessarily tough raids but I would rather be able to experience the content as it was supposed to be rather than being able to roll through it with even more ease because the company is being lazy & cheap. Every class is going to have more stats than they should during such early content. Casters are going to be able to obtain 3% more hit, melee/ranged will be able to get up to 4% more hit, not to mention just a ton of additional stats in general. It’s going to make raiding a complete joke…”