Itemization in WoW Classic

Thanks for the update. I’m happy with this decision, as it avoids winning loot only to have to look up when/if it changes at a later date.

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Gotta disagree with you here. There is plenty of content outside of endgame raiding in vanilla wow. Really the journey was the whole point of the game, not raiding. But I cannot and will not tell you how or what to enjoy. If, to you, raiding (or other endgame content - pvp I guess?) is the only relevant content to you at late game that’s perfectly fine. I hope you enjoy it and I’ll be right there with you.

That’s all I’m saying, I’m not trying to devalue these things for other people, but it’s not something I can get into.

I don’t even know if I’ll make it to raiding honestly, at this point its just a pipe dream because I leveled 7 times during vanilla, it’s a pain in the butt and I’m not really looking forward to doing it again, but my Wife wants to.

I really didn’t even enjoy vanilla, it was just the best we had.

My advice: treat the game like an adventure. Don’t think of 1-60 as a grind that needs to be accomplished before you can start having fun. If you cannot break that mindset then you will probably dislike all of it and do it grudgingly or quit early. If you try to treat it like an epic adventure, making new friends and enemies along the way, and having an adventure with your wife at your side (making memories) it becomes more fun.

Obviously this is my opinion and your mileage will vary. I also leveled many times during vanilla and raided up to Naxx, but for me, the leveling experience never got old because it was just a new chance to make new friends and make new memories despite the content being generally the same.

Hope you enjoy it!


Eh, I’ll continue to support it the best I can in hopes we get future servers like TBC and beyond

Honestly I could go for a good cata and mop server, I really miss those expansions before everything went south.

For every WoW player in the timeline of WoW’s history there is a unique story and a unique opinion about what the game should and shouldn’t be and what stage was the best and the worst. I don’t envy Blizzard trying to sort through the millions of different player mindsets and trying to accommodate the largest number of them while trying not to marginalize the minority.

Good luck dude.

I understand what you mean.

The rest that follows is My opinion:
I just want out point out that it was in fact Vanilla that was the hand painted work of art. Everything was made and tuned by hand.

BfA is CGI. Every Item set and Raid tuning was done by spreadsheets. Content was created based on what content was played most… most time spent = most fun! Right?!? There’s no soul to BfA, it may as well have been designed by AI. Because people log on just for their dailies, that records a huge % of time spent in game for dailies. Therefor dailies are the funnest part of WoW, which is why Retail gets more of those.


Thank you guys for the great communication! It’s been awesome to see this evolve over the course of a year and a half to what it is and furthermore see the team’s response to the community!

Even if we had 100% authentic 1.1 talents, 1.1 itemization, etc, MC would still be a cakewalk because we, the players, know the raid inside and out.

Stop acting like 1.12 is “OMG EVERYTHING NERFED REEEE TOO EASY TOO EASY”, that’s insanely disingenuous.

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Thanks, and definitely agreed - while full progressive itemization could have been interesting, it just doesn’t make sense to fully try to retube that toothpaste. While some of us have extensive knowledge about each change, and what crappy gear would become great later on, there are also plenty (I’d say a majority) that have, and would have, no idea. Preventing random stat changes will make a better experience for all, will make those in the know strong and focused on what to farm, and overall just be a better game from day one. Kudos, and thanks again!

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Yes its very likely that MC and BWL will be cleared very quickly but Blizzard is only make it easier for guilds to clear the raids by using the 1.12 versions of items. Its one thing for guilds to clear the raids its another for these guilds to have so much power that guilds are killing Rag before he can go in to phase 2 with in the first month of the guild enter MC.

I mean, I get what your saying, but at the end of the day its not a big deal, gear won’t FLOW any faster then it did, it’ll still take time to actually acquire.

And there’s not really a choice in the matter, the code might exist but the databases don’t.

It’s not about easy or not easy. Knowledge is there. Things will be very straight forward regardless. However, I want things to take more time. Bosses shouldn’t roll over and die in 2 seconds. The very essence of time has a snowball affect on everything within WoW - from meta to guild dynamics.

That’s why I think a re-tune should be in order.


Retuning would piss people off, no doubt in that.

1.12 gear is still authentic vanilla wow gear, but tuning the bosses harder because of it would come off as “Fixing” vanilla ala actually making all the specs viable. Which, I mean, I’d love to see… but that’s not real vanilla.

Actually re-tuning it so that boss fights are longer will make hybrids stuck even more so in their healing roll. But, to turn things grindier will actually be a more authentic Vanilla experience. MC could be easy, but it’s a different experience to log on to run MC, then log out 4 hours later and go to bed vs log on to run MC, done 30 minutes later, then spend the rest of your 3 hours having free time.

The former being a more draining experience. The latter being, well, “fresh”.

But I agree, it would piss a lot of people off. But it would also be a more authentic experience.

The unarmored mounts better still be in the game at launch


99.99999% sure they will not be, they were long gone by 1.12

But they are content, not system.

The base of the game is 1.12 though, like… Naxx is IN the game, the pvp systems are IN the game, it’s just not activated.

You’re talking about something that was no longer being sold anywhere in the game at that point.

That doesnt sound very Classic.