Hopefully it at least gets talked about more.
By that logic, They also said they wouldn’t or would. At the same time, they also asked for feedback and said they are looking at feedback. So why does it matter if they did or did not?
What Blizzard has been saying the are giving us:
8.x Infrastructure
8.x Client
1.12 Databases rewritten to the modern database structure.
The data in the databases is using 1.12 as the reference to insure they are built correctly.
With the 6 content phase plan. We have content access disabled. Not 6 different database sets.
Asking for progressive itemization changes that from 1 database set with 1 reference database to 6 databases with 11 different database references (1.1 - 1.12)
Is that really the expectation here? For Blizzard to build 6 full sets of databases with all different itemizations across all the vanilla patches?
Sure, if you wanna ask for that, go for it. I see that as a MUCH larger task than is necessary.
This is true; they scaled back the extent of loot-trading because of community feedback. Valid point.
That’s extremely minor compared to this though. Production wise.
Yeah literally a switch per dungeon.
I don’t disagree with that it’s just my issue with how thin the lines are drawn to be misconstrued.
Take for example them saying they will that they will use a patch as reference right? What about that is definitive, you can just as easily see it as it’s reference but you can build upon that to be different from what it originally was. I agree that it’s definitely much more difficult but it’s as you said, we can ask for more and if it gives us a better experience, why the hell not? I think it’d be amazing if they did it because they’d re-earn trust from the fans as BFA was… well let’s not pretend it wasn’t hated by a lot of people.
I was just pointing out that you said “like they’ve been selling”, and they never actually said that’s what they were selling; they didn’t give firm information on many things until recently.
I still think 1.12 itemization during MC/BWL will make for a worse experience BUT it does feel good to finally have an response to the topic. So thank you guys.
Don’t get me wrong, that definetly would be something.
I can understand seeing this news and being dissatisfied if you had such high hopes, but for me and others giving you a “hard time” we see it as something that was never going to happen, not even on the table type of deal.
The truth is people heard “authentic experience” and thought they were going to get a personal 1:1 recreation of Vanilla disregarding the 7,999,999 other authentic experiences who differed from their own.
The important thing is the game will play exactly how it did back then which is eggsactly what they promised us.
Ask away, I won’t be shouting you down, but I do see progressive itemization as a significant difference in work.
Some don’t see that how you sell it like that is an issue, because it’s a very thin line of being lied to and not. Because you can look at it like, you looked too far into it, or you can see it as it was sold as such intentionally for the sake of you fooling yourself.
Let’s hope the beta shows us that it will be played exactly like it did back then.
This is going to break balance badly.
you act as if vanilla had much balance to begin with
Inb4 someone tells you you’re crazy and you don’t know what you’re talking about.
That being said, i agree. I really hope if they do this they do something to counteract the itemization changes. At least for the first 2 cycles
Raid are already trivialized in vanilla… They were hard because of the information we had back then.
This really seems like the lazy way out. Currently the best Vanilla private servers are updating items stats as the servers are progressing to provide a more accurate version of Vanilla both in content and player power progression.
I dont believe that anyone with realistic expectations expects Vanilla raids to be super challenging but only using 1.12 items really seems like an overall nerf to all PvE content in the game for every class and spec in the game.
I can agree with that.
I did put it as though this was all a matter of fact since day one but I won’t sit here and pretend that what they initially said wasn’t purposely open ended so I can see where you’re coming from.
Poor itemization played a big role as well. Now Pre BiS gear will make MC even more of a joke, and i dare say BWL as well.
Definitely yes and definitely no. Depending on which items you get it will make it even more so a joke which i daresay will be less fun. For me and a lot of the die hard vanilla fans i’m sure.