Itemization in WoW Classic

Does this mean nemesis in mc till bwl patch? that is where t2 stuff dropped originally…

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Take a step backward and view the entire game from 1.0 to the current live patch in that respect. Is “most polished” really what they should be aiming for, or “most fun”? They clearly tossed out the thought of “most fun” with the decisions they’ve made with classic.

They still simply do not get it. And if they actually read the threads they cited when they said they were listening to us, then they flat out disregarded what we were telling them repeatedly because they think they know better.

I’ll accept that Ion has no idea what “fun” means. But everything I’ve heard from and about Brian Birmingham says that he is a far better “Fun-meister”.


Eh, I find it hard to use vanilla and fun in the same sentence unless their is a not inbetween.

Now vanilla and tedium, that’s a sentence I can jump on.

Then why are you even here?

If they buff certain dungeons and/or raids the final content release will result in a different meta game than actual 1.12 vanilla, while the way they are planning to go about it will result in a pretty authentic final version (not one hundred percent, but close). I’m most concerned with what we will be left with when the content release runs its course.

I support wow classic in hopes of TBC and Wrath servers.

Your issue is that you lack any sort of opinion. It resembles Stockholm Syndrome not saying they’re abusive but they’re selling you something different than what they’re saying but in lawyer speak protect themselves by a margin and you’re siding with that regardless of how disingenuous that is.

Anytime anyone complains you think it’s simply whining because “they’re not getting their way” That’s delusional of you to think that because I have stated numerous times we should at least compromise with a compensation to adjust for itemization. It’s as if you think itemization doesn’t affect the game much and that’s extremely ignorant that or you’ll just take what you can get and that’s also very sad.

No, 6 months ago, your opinion being raised was perfectly fine and acceptable. Hell two days ago, it was still valid.

Continuing to complain on the blue post where they definitively told you No is whining.

Doesn’t everything come back to that?
I honestly felt like they could have saved a lot of typing and simply told us: “this is what we’ve decided, because it gave us the most clarity (easiest/cheapest/beep-boop-whirrrr-boop=fun)

Slam freaking dunk.


Isn’t that exactly what they did, yet people won’t accept it?

That’s extreme and very sad that you think that. We’re still months away, a blue post doesn’t change anything you act like they can’t retract or change.

Imagine a world where someone can’t undo a decision for a game that hasn’t been released yet. Sounds like you’re simply unable to formulate opinions outside of what someone spoon feeds you. Your answer to what people say and that being that is a personal issue.

Either way it’s clear, that that’s that for you and you hold nothing for me to converse with you. If there only was a block function so i could stop seeing your posts period.

Imagine a world where development happens far in advance of release date. Where the 10% rule actually applies. I don’t have to imagine, because its my daily job. This is how the world works. Decisions get made, and without a compelling reason to change them. They don’t get flip-flopped. That’s not how the real world works. There is no “whine threshold” to getting your way, like a petulant child.

Thank you for the update! I will enjoy playing no matter what when it finally
comes out.

Would love to some content that was not in classic actually get re-vitalized
and added in after the 6 phazes of 1.12 roll out. Zones that were added and
then not implemented previously. It would just add to the flavor of Classic
before tbc rolled out, always thought that was way toooo early and more
content actually in Azeroth should have been worked on. Just my opinion and
hope. Good Job to the Blizzard team for the work. Now we need the actual
release of classic to happen!!!

Thankyou so much for the update, makes it so much better then collecting items we know would change later on while they were initially ‘bad’.

Can we please get a release date? Really need to book in holidays! /Beg

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I am convinced she gets a bitcoin for every post made running interference for blizzard.

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Do you guys think that the discuss of retune raids will be back strong now?

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It went away?

Blizzard never said they were going to give us a perfect patch-by-patch recreation.

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It’s been a long time that I do not see