Item Restoration

What the hell happened to the interface? This used to actually be friendly, I search for what your looking for by ilvl, slot, etc, but now I’m punished through pages of the trash I vendered to find the item I goofed and want back.

Am I missing something or has the “user friendliness” been nerfed to persuade us that maybe we don’t want what we accidently sold/compacted/DE’s back afterall?

The changes to the Item Restoration UI were based on a current technical limitation to allow it to function the way it was intended to. We hope to update the feature at some future point to add functionality back.


how many years will it take to restore the item restoration search bar?

That isn’t really something that Customer Support would really have any insight into. Sorry.

The teams are always looking at ways to improve the Item Restoration system without negatively impacting its ability to function.

Given the extreme age of this thread I’m going to close it. If you have feedback on the Item Restoration functionality I’d recommend creating a new thread in General Discussion, or posting in one that is active, so that our Community Management and Game Developer teams can see it.