Item restoration question

Hello! I have a quick question. I vendored a quest reward in Classic several weeks ago that I now realize I should have kept. The automated item restoration page doesn’t list it even though it was vendored less than a month ago. Are vendored quest rewards able to be restored (assuming the other automated item restoration criteria are met)?

basically if it does not show up on the item restoration page it is unlikely that it can be restored.

And quest rewards should show up on that page.

I probably should’ve been more clear in my post, sorry. I opened a ticket about restoring Mirah’s Song (I replaced it when I got Quel’Serrar but now I want to try fury prot). The reply from the GM said they can’t restore quest rewards, which seems odd to me because that’s the type of restriction that would be clearly listed on the item restoration support article.

I don’t know why Mirah’s Song wouldn’t be restorable on my account, because I vendored it sometime around Jan. 30, which was less than a month ago. I can’t imagine that the time period for restoration is less than 30 days, since the blue posts I’ve seen say things like “we can’t restore items that were destroyed a very long time ago”.

Customer Support will be unable to:

  • Restore quest items lost through deletion or quest abandonment. You’ll need to reacquire the quest and obtain the item again.

Thanks for the reply, but I didn’t abandon a quest. I completed the quest, used the sword for a while, then vendored it when I got a replacement.

So I did some checking what I found was…

on this guy I have 17 pages of items I can restore going back to 12/2019
on my void elf I’m leveling she is level 72 her items only go back to the beginning of this month.

not sure if level has anything to do with number of items or how far back it goes.

as for the ticket response this is a copy from the sticky in the classic general forums

Customer Support will be unable to:

Restore quest items lost through deletion or quest abandonment. You’ll need to reacquire the quest and obtain the item again.
Swap quest rewards
Unbind items bound to a character
Exchange bind on pick up loot between characters.
    Raid items will have a 2 hour trade window

As I stated above if the item is not on the list in the restore page it is not able to be restored as that is the same list the the GM’s would use to restore an item.

Aside from a few exceptional situations, like stackable crafting materials, if the item is not listed in the Item Restoration service list then it means it’s not available for restoration. This includes restorations from the Game Master team. So, what they responded with is correct for the request that was made but is not limited to just quest rewards.

Item rarity does play a role in how long items are retained and available for restoration. For example, trash items aren’t going to stay around very long, uncommon will last a little longer, and so on – with epic items lasting a few weeks after deletion.

So, it seems like Mirah’s Song was deleted or sold too long ago to be retrieved.


Understood, I’ll just have to find a replacement item then. Thank you everyone for the replies, I greatly appreciate it!