Item restoration how long?

Over pinned to the top of the Cata Classic forum.

And rather than jumping threads like you did…responding to your other inquiry:

But the issue here is that the item restoration service isn’t an in-game system. It’s something based on the website. So I do not believe there is a known bugs list for the site itself. (If there is, I haven’t yet had my coffee this morning, so my Google-fu is still asleep.) It’s a “known issue” due to what our SFAs who moderate these forums have told us. If they’re telling us that it’s a known issue, that means that it’s being worked on.

But I would still keep an eye on Wowhead’s broadcasts of hotfixes. Hopefully it will not be too much longer for you guys. And too, those previously aforementioned SFAs, if they can? They will often come back to at least one of these larger threads to alert us that a fix has or will be going through once the Devs progress to that point.

Not really. Trying to shame a company from a place where none of those who collect data comes to? Or really just using that sad tactic? Isn’t going to get anything addressed any faster. They have to make sure fixing one thing doesn’t bork out a dozen others. As much as it sucks, it’s a matter of having patience.


They do quite a bit of QA. I’ve been part of several betas for WoW over the years. Testing on a few servers might not always show something that would break on hundreds of servers once it goes live.