Item Restoration Busted - WOTLK Classic

So how’s looking into that issue going? Cause this seems to be a problem for me almost 2 months later. I have 5 pages of items and 4 of them just don’t load any items at all

There have been several updates to the system to help address the situation. We aren’t receiving the same volume of reports that we were.

If the issue is still happening it would be best to post in the Bug Report forums with the details you can provide. Such as character, what is happening and screenshots of what you are seeing if you can.


this issue has been going on for so damn long, can we finally get a fix to it lol

Follow the directions already given by a Blizzard poster in the thread you just necroed.


Another 2 months and still not fixed. What gives?

Some issues are complicated, while we may know there is an issue, what exactly is causing it or how to resolve that issue may not be readily available. In some cases, a resolution depends on other systems or the complete overhaul of existing ones, which can require a hefty investment of time and resources.

We want self-help options like this to work, as it frees up our In-Game Support staff to assist with other issues. I don’t know what the issue is, but we absolutely want this resolved as soon as it can be.

As I said previously, there have been several updates to the system and the volume of reports has dropped dramatically. So it does seem to be working for the majority of folks. If it isn’t working for you, the best thing to do is to submit a bug report so our QA team can have fresh examples/data that can help them pinpoint what may be happening in those cases.