Item Restoration: 3 Day + Wait time?

Pretty crazy. But not the craziest thing I’ve experienced lately. Just documenting it, since all sorts of weirdness has happened since I sent in a ticket about a month ago asking for information on a couple of issues and got a less than decent response. Dunno if some GM intentionally put a slow walk on any tickets I make, or if your system is just over sourced because of Timerunning.

Doesn’t matter really, but for my own sake and records going to add this here.

Time Stamp:
Date: 05-22-2024, 6:34pm

Yeah, it’s all a big conspiracy centered around testing your patience and making you have a bad time. Out of the tens to hundreds of thousands of tickets they deal with a month, yours is an MVP status ticket. They all know you by name and want to cause you distress, to punish you.

This isn’t the place to do that, you can screenshot things and send them to yourself in an email though if you want to keep record of the event. You can also communicate(don’t always expect two-way communication) with them through the ticket system by putting in feedback or suggestions. The forums and the ticket system are two separate entities handled and managed by two separate groups of workers.

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You caught me mister, I give up!

…More seriously and addressed at Tech Support, since the rest of the poster’s over the top pontification is simply not worth a reply; it seems like there is some sort of major delay happening when one attempts to restore items for a Timerunner character. Normally this is a pretty instantaneous process. In the interest of expediting this for other players, it may be worth looking into if the Item Restore feature is working for Timerunning characters properly.

Take care and thanks for reading!

Timestamp: 9:53pm, 05-22-24

Again, they are two separate departments. The ticket team and the CS team here on the forums are two separate teams. The CS reps here don’t really have that much access or say in what the ticket team does (every once in while, they get some relayed info from devs or the ticket GMs though).

It would be like complaining to a Pizza Hut manager about how a burrito you got from Taco Bell wasn’t what you ordered. They are both owned by the same parent company, but don’t really have that much to do with each other. Maybe they might relay that info to management in Yum and maybe eventually that would make its way to Taco Bell, but likely not. Your best bet would be to complain or put in suggestions to Taco Bell aka the ticket system within the game. That’s kind of the best analogy I can give you, when it comes to the misconception that venting here about the ticket team really does anything.

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Gonna level. Already put ya on ignore with a forever mark… It’s a waste of time to respond. Thread isn’t about you.

Only telling you because I wanted to be ‘charitable’, to quote someone else.

Timestamp: 12:40am, 05-23-24

Do what ever you have to do to feel safe in your bubble of reality… Either way, I suggest you read:

Namely the

part of it.

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Gotta have the last word eh? Ok. Cool story. See ya.

Timestamp: 12:48am, 05-23-24


I put in a restore item and its been a few hours - I normally get it back straight away… so I am guessing it is not fixed yet
UPDATE: suddenly i have an open ticket so that got dealt with and…
UPDATE #2 Items that did not automatically restore with the Restoration Service are permanently lost

what a joke. They are still in my restoration page, you took the time off my char so I cannot try again for a week… so I guess I might as well start a new character …? what a waste of time

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