Item can not be upgraded

I also just started experiencing this across multiple toons

confirm is happening

corfirm is happening

Same. Cant upgrade new gear. Only old stuff.

I just had it happen to me as well. I went to upgrade my new gloves and I couldn’t. I’m on Kael’thas

Same here… Today, I wanted to switch from Holy to Shadow and push keys as much as possible, but I have a lot of items that I can’t upgrade because of this problem.

Nice :+1:

same issue too BS…

can’t upgrade gear, dungeon tab is also greyed out…

Same here.

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Happening to me as well. Dungeon tab greyed out, S4 items non-upgradable.

Same here, S4 items not upgradable.

Can’t upgrade anything. Whats going on blizz

Having this same issue out of nowhere in 10.4 or whatever patch we’re on right now. Evoker on Mal’Ganis. Can’t upgrade anything. Should be able to / have currency.

Seems I’m not the only one that can’t get my gear upgraded. Others in my raid tonight just found out when they tried to upgrade something it would not work?

What is up Bliz>?

Have the same. Cannot upgrade anything. Which raid is fated is not displayed either under the LFR tab. It was marked before the weekend. Just did Amirdrassil LFR and it worked as fated but it is not marked.

Same here for my characters on Moonguard. This is irritating to log into stuff like this.

Same here, I can’t even use the barber chair to modify my character and my game sometimes freezes for 10 seconds when I open the vault, I believe this has to be related to the weekly rewards vault cuz everything started there for me after getting an achievement for completing all mythic +5 dungeons but I might be mistaken.

PS: I’m scanning my files and see if maybe by repairing something it might fix it, I’ll let you know.

I also can’t upgrade anything on one of my alts on Skywall. I was running the world weekly quest on a bunch of them today/tonight, and the other alts are fine for the usual upgrades on the same server, but this one character suddenly can’t upgrade anything. All the gear that should be available, even the gear I just earned and that the other alts could upgrade, is greyed out. Relogging didn’t work. Really annoying.

Updating here: I tried everything, I repaired the files, I erased WTF, CACHE, and INTERFACE folders and nothing, apparently the problem is server side IMO.

Quoting Zorbix:

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