Item can not be upgraded

Multiple People in my guild are having this same issue, unable to upgrade gear.

I noticed that on an alt they had some Season 3 Gear and it could be upgraded, but the same character that had season 4 gear couldn’t upgrade those items.

Bump for me as well. On Illidan. Cannot upgrade ANY gear that is able to be upgraded. Tried /reload, relogging, turning off ALL add-ons, etcetera. What’s weird is on a different toon earlier, I was able to upgrade gear just fine (within 1 hour ago) , so this is a very recent bug for me.

Same thing happening to me on Icecrown. It was fine on my warrior, but on my DK it only letting me upgrade season three items and won’t even show the season four loot as upgradable

Same here, I thought it was something to do with Beta. Yeah its all my characters,

Forgot to mention all my season 3 gear isn’t greyed out anymore. It’s all active .

Same issue here to, I’ve been crying for multiple hours now. blizz please fix!

With Microsoft being the new masters, I can see why.

The fact there was not an Emergency SHutdown soon as they had a working solution is astonishing. Could care less what time of day it is or how players “FEEL” if something is broken and you can fix it right away or within a short amount of time but extend the time to fix it causing people to be more annoyed at you than you should be is just bad business.

I am not saying any of this has happened yet as in Blizzard having a Fix as of me writing this etc I am just saying if they did but chose to wait for a specific time instead of just doing it then and there is a bad idea. Does not even have to be a 1 hour shutdown unless needed it could just be an applied Hotfix as they have done numerous times in the past.

Also I am not seeing the Dot Icon at the end of the LFR Raids that are awakened is that also a problem since I do not want to waste an LFR wing run if it is indeed afftected like the upgrade NPC.

Same issue. Just finished Time Rift and suddenly all my gear is greyed out on all vendors. Cannot be upgraded.

Muradin Player here, I too have this issue. Awakened RF is not labeled aswell. Indie companies, amr

Just a reminder for those who missed it:

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Unable to upgrade items (Firetree)

Same here I only can upgrade the fyralak but not my new items.

Yeah, let’s just initiate a no-notice 15-minute restart right in the middle of a dungeon, raid or rated arena. I’m sure that would go over well.

They DO perform this kind of shutdown.

Happens quite frequently lol.

And Glammazon is right. The game should have been shutdown and hotfixed as grinding for gear & upgrading them is a huge part of the game.

Another on here on Drak’Thul. Upgrade vendors in Loamm and Valdrakken are borked.

i also cant upgrade my gear

I am also having this problem. All items say “Item cannot be upgraded” and no raids show as Awakened.

Same issues on Eonar.

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I’m also having an issue with item upgrade - specifically with Bullion purchased trinkets.
I have Fyrakk’s Tainted Rageheart and Ward of Faceless Ire in each of the trinket slots occupied. i’ve upgraded both trinkets from 493 (1/12 and 1/14) to 509 (6/12 and 6/14). I purchased Screaming Black Dragonscale (1/12) and Ominous Chromatic Essence (1/12) and am trying to upgrade them to 6/12 on both trinkets using flightstone, but the upgrade vendor is requiring me to use Drake’s awakened crests as though this is the first time I am upgrading my trinkets.

It’s almost like the game is not registering my history of trinket upgrades.

Please look into this issue and fix it.
