It was foretold

But but… I’m working on getting all my Alliance garrisons to where they all have Gnomes as guards!


And thank you!



It’s only stupid if you already know the answer. It’s supposed to be common knowledge that Hello Kitty Online is an MMO that literally has NO PvP. This is the second time I said that here. It’s not surprising and very sad that people don’t listen and choose to ignore what others say while talking over them. Such are the Internets.

I was saying earlier that HKIA is a Gucci opportunity to EMIGRATE DF fans THERE and bring the sexy back that is [the spirit of] PvP. I said it tongue in cheek, because it’s not like Blizzard can’t just turn the car around at the nearest turnaround on the highway. And obviously you can’t force emigration in a video game.

Otherwise, you all can go to the Shadowlands, and I will go to Azeroth.

World PvP is actually fairly active in Dragonflight.

I think War Mode is made for non-gankers because it allows you to opt out of world PvP entirely without changing servers. Now the people you find out in the world in world PvP are generally much more prepared for PvP and those that don’t want to PvP aren’t in the mode at all.

Also world PvP and ganking aren’t necessarily synonymous. Ganking usually implies PvP with a massive power imbalance, e.g. killing someone who’s much lower level. That’s what Jackalswind does in Stormwind all day and he genuinely thinks it’s the most skill-capped PvP there is. In War Mode you get genuine PvP battles composed of max-level PvP-geared players and it can be pretty fun.


I’m actually glad to hear this. I never use War Mode so it’s good to hear that it isn’t as much of a failure as people like Jackalswind claim it is. You don’t really hear much about it these days. So after the massive amounts of complaining about imbalances and gank raids when it was new in BfA, I assumed it was dead when everyone stopped talking about it.

I’m not against WPvP, I played exclusively on PvP servers for all of Vanilla and most of BC and had a lot of fun because I played at odd hours so I hardly ever got griefed by gankers. It wasn’t until they opened the Oceanic realms and I made the mistake of transferring to one of them so I could play when it was their prime time and got the full brunt of what ganking meant that I swore off PvP realms for good. So it’s good to hear that War Mode has evolved into something more like my original experience with PvP realms.

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Pretty sure Dragonflight is actually Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Nurture the whelps! Play house! Protect innocent baby beavers! Listen to old people talk about their emotions! Listen to scalies talk about their emotions! Don’t be “phobic” about the Body Type 1 centaur with massive muscles and a beard who has a woman’s voice?!

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