It was foretold

Back in the early days of WoW, Southpark did an episode about Warcraft. Butters spoke of a game - “Hello Kitty Island Adventure”… a mythical game that existed only in the imaginations of the writers of that show.

Until now!

What’s funny is it looks just silly enough for me to try. Almost.



hello kitty is cute lol



Saw that advertised somewhere earlier this year, it did send some funny memories rushing through my mind lol didn’t realize it’s already been out for a month, nice


It’s a great game unlike df.


fiesta online better game than wow.

…Salzman was from the future.

He’ll be back in 2025 and then it’s my turn with the DeLorean.

It’s actually good tho, if you like Animal Crossing it’s just like that but with Sanrio characters instead.


This is literally why I’ve said DF has become Hello Kitty. Hello Kitty Online(the installment back then) literally had no PvP. You could not do anything that resembles PvP in Hello Kitty. Is that saying that Hello Kitty Online was a bad MMO? Not really. Is it saying that WoW is a bad MMO just because it doesn’t have PvP? No. But an MMO that USED TO HAVE PvP but no longer does is BAD, and for all the reasons it happened.

But now that it’s coming out, can we PLEASE have PvP back and emigrate all of the DF fans out of this game towards there?

You want the game to die? Cause that is the fastest way to kill the game.

Most people don’t like world PvP. Players spent 15 years killing WPvP by unbalancing servers. And even when the microscopically small percentage of players who do like it whined enough that Blizz gave you a fix in Warmode just to shut you up and even went the extra mile to encourage people to use it, it died a pathetic failure. Because people don’t like it.

The game has lots of PvP. You have BGs and Arenas. If you want more of those, new maps and modes, then that is a good thing. Blizz has gone stagnant on that. But WPvP is dead. Accept that fact and move on.


…but WoW does have PvP. Arenas, BGs, war mode, they even added queueable arenas. If you don’t like any of those kinds of PvP, that’s on you, not on the game.


wows dead.
hello kitty is forever.
time to crab rave on the island.

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You mean like those “most people” you mentioned didn’t bother to accept the fact that there is PvP in this game and there are other MMOs they can play that have none whatsoever, like Hello Kitty? You look at them and you see that THEY didn’t take the high road first, but I’m supposed to?

You’d find I’m part of the same hypocrisy: I don’t have the BALLS to just find a different game that caters MOST to my interest. I’ll sit on the floor like a child and demand that the game I’m in now changes to me. Because maybe I thought this is a game that could command PvP interests as well as it does for the PvE. BGs and Arena are too clean and too scripted. Too predictable, especially the more you do it. It starts to become Hello Kitty in their own ways quite frankly. But before it became discontinued, you don’t know what’s coming down the pipe in WPvP. It is a chaos tenuously handled at best.

You’re asking me to do something most people in those 15 years past would have deafened your ears with rage about. The question is whether I’m the bigger man to take the high road and emigrate myself. That’s easier said than done regarding the overall MMO market.

Is there a WPvP MMO that’s WoW-like? That could be the thing. The first textbook answer is Classic.

They’re fine, but WPvP is the first and the true. You see, as the community began getting soft since the days of Vanilla, then came those venues.

Because Blizzard could have doubled and tripled down on WPvP since the beginning. Just like Lineage had castle sieges, there could have been WPvP objectives MATERIAL TO PROGRESSION. I’m not saying BGs and Arenas were bad ideas, but you can tell the community was getting soft then. So easy to handle a competition of 40v40, 15v15, 5v5, 3v3, and 2v2 when WPvP was always NvN, literally.

Nothing wrong with crab raves. Nothing wrong with Hello Kitty. But why was I asked to get rid of my ganking pastime in Stormwind City and Ironforge in exchange for that?

Yes, most people. Or all of the PvP servers wouldn’t have all been 90%+ one faction by the time Bliz created Warmode.

Yep. You see those people saw something they didn’t like and they did something about it. And in their situation they actually could do something quite easily. They shifted the game by easy, perfectly acceptable in game means to get the game they wanted. And it existed in that way for a long time.


Because it wasn’t Blizz who made the change. It was the players. Blizz gave you every possible way to have the PvP you wanted. They resisted changing PvP servers for more than a decade. They gave your your own WPvP mode in the game. They did absolutely everything they possibly could to give you the PvP experience you wanted. What do you expect Blizzard to do about it?

The player base as a whole said they don’t want that.

Except they didn’t. Because it was them that created the situation you dislike now. A small handful of gankers aren’t most people. Don’t conflate the volume of the crowd with the size of the crowd.

If what you want exists and is technically within the same game, why are you here and not there playing? Or has the PvP realms in Classic/Wrath started to become unbalanced too?


Well, as I’ve said it before: the HORDE. For both PvP and PvE, it’s them.

Regrettable that it took something away from others. Therein lies the greatly deserved disrespect. Plainly, they didn’t leave WoW to those who still wanted PvP to go find another for themselves.

The Blizzard of old would have just told them to go pound sand. That’s the same Blizzard a lot of people miss.

We start to then see the dark side of Democracy in play. The players being the MOB, which means that the Blizz-favoring individual gets shafted and that all Blizz-favoring individuals(optimates) get thrown out by the populares.

They didn’t because they were not told no. They were indulged instead of being told this was the game they must accept as fact and move on.

Chromie Time was an EXCELLENT example of this. When the community was constantly told by other players to turn WM off if you don’t want to get ganked while leveling, Blizzard gave the community a leveling system that completely bypasses ALL WPvP, as it puts you in your own “instance” of the world apart from those outside of Chromie Time. You wouldn’t believe how greatly that emptied the open world and killed WPvP better than bad sharding, because it used to be the tradition that you would gank lowbies trying to level to illicit max-level responses.

You see, turning WM off if you don’t want WPvP at all would have been taking the high road, and it’s even worse when Alliance still got 20-30% more XP with WM on AND being in Chromie Time. Since 8.1 the Alliance never got anything less than 15 or 20% currency bonus, and EXCLUSIVELY got Against Overwhelming Odds.

I took up ganking much later in my WoW career. I used to be a core raider and have sailed with failboat armadas quite enough. That was a personal decision based on an opportunity that I could strike out on my own solo without having to deal with the cutthroat politics of guilds.

I’m very active in Classic atm, farming gold and getting PvP gear. I’m doing this primarily for posterity. As far as balance goes, I really can’t say, but I’m already starting to loathe being Alliance on Grobbulus. I only rolled Alliance as a favor to some Bnet friends.

It’s almost as bad as I remember it from back in the day. I can’t wait for Cata to launch next year and reroll for this guy: a Goblin Hunter.

I don’t think there’s any serious faction balance issues that I’m aware of, but I’m already ticked off of typical Alliance arrogance in PvP affairs. So when I go Horde I’ll be glad to get out from underneath that. I have lost most BGs; the Alliance seems to lack good night owl PvPers.

Well, yeah. Vanilla was the Weenie Hut Jr of mmos, especially for WPVP. That was the appeal.

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That’s a good argument, because even I had heard the stories of PvP from games like Ultima. The older MMOs were no joke, especially when we start taking about losing your gear and deleveling when you die. So yea, I guess you can say that WoW coming out as was, was indeed a softening of the genre as a whole.

But that was the good kind of softening. WoW actually became the TRUE SUCCESS of the MMORPG genre. Before WoW, you didn’t have many people even bothering. Certain people who have more time than anything else in their RLs were the ideal community, but that’s not every video gamer.

I still sometimes miss hearing grown men cry on vent over a pack mule, stuffed with months worth of materials and goodies, held for ransom.

Oh, middle school…

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And that has practically NEVER happened in any of WoW’s history.
