It was foretold

Let’s be honest here. The thing it took away from you was the ability to grief others. Your entire playstile you are championing is being a jerk and making other people’s play time miserable. Sorry if your victims don’t care.

If they did WoW would have died then. And we wouldn’t have a game now. Because like I have been saying this whole time, they were the majority. There weren’t enough WPvPers to sustain the game.

Possible. Then Cata happened and Blizz got a massive wake up call that they can’t do that. You know when subs plummeted from the most subs it’s ever had, and again at the start of WoD when they tried it again with no flying.

For starters, it’s capitalism, not democracy. Second, it’s only dark if you are in the minority. And when that minority consists of a tiny group of people who only get joy from making the larger group’s lives worse, again, sorry, but not sorry.

Yeah, no. They didn’t because they didn’t want to. Or do you not understand that your group is, and always has been a tiny group within the game. No company in their right mind is going to cater to a tiny group whose actions are actively making their game worse for the majority of the player base.

Except they didn’t have to accept it as fact. They actively used the available systems in game to change the game to what they wanted.

What do you think Blizz could have done to stop them? Forced realm changes/mergers to ballance servers? Then removed paid realm changes and the ability to make new toons on the opposite faction or a new server? Force you to play only one faction on a single server of Blizzard’s choice? And you think the game could survive that?

LOL You’re still trying to pass off that BS argument? Dude, nobody believes you when you pull out that tired old excuse.

Nothing you said here has any relevance on how small the group of people who want to gank is. No one cares about why you started to gank, or your reasoning for ganking. Ganking is detrimental to the game, it always has been and always will be, and it has and always will be a tiny subset of the game, and has never been a focus of the game.

Jesus bleeping Christ you could not be less self aware if you had been lobotomized. So you admit to not having fun when you are not the aggressor with an overwhelming advantage? And you wonder why people don’t like ganking and moved to eliminate it…

You are lying in the bed you made. You participate in a playstyle whose only function is to make other’s play time worse and you you get salty when most people don’t want to be your victims and you can’t force them to be?

Yes. WPvP is dead, we killed it for a reason. If you don’t like that, go play freaking Fortnight and take your holier than thou attitude with you.


FYI Jackalswind was ranting on the Hunter forums for weeks about how his Stormwind ganking was the peak of WoW skill and comparable in challenge to cutting edge raiding.


Defintely a better expac than WoD!! :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

New Expansion Confirmed: Bath of The Kitty
For years Bwonsamdi has been gathering souls to fuel his next scheme against the living of Azeroth. He has performed the ritual to tear a rift in time and space (thankfully in the basement of Lion’s Pride Inn) into the nightmare realm of Hello Kitty Undeadlands.

New dungeons!
New Raids!
New Survival Mode BGs… Alliance and Horde team up to survive wave after wave of the undead… “All shall be consumed!”

New race/class:
Specs: Tank and DPS
Restrictions: Can’t be healed by outside sources. Why?


For all of my MMO sins, I never really went after people who were trying to do something important. It’s one of the things I liked about ganking people in the cities: you don’t do many progression tasks in the cities.

That’s fair, yet the irony that I converted to WPvP. When PvE was still the main thing to do, it didn’t keep me around enough. That’s the funny thing about my POV: I did raids and dungeons at the start and practically got my fill of that first. A big fat BTDT to that.

The difference between growth and swelling. The swelling stunted true growth. Blizzard mistook what they saw in Wrath.

True capitalism carries the idea of equality. Ganker capital is just as good as non-ganker capital notwithstanding differences of volume. And understandably, it did work out that way, but one day, the non-gankers decided to tell Blizzard that gankers and their capital would no longer be welcomed. For a rather “small indie company” that was known to struggle to make ends meet in Irving, I would think they’d take ANY capital they could get.

Sure, Blizzard would satisfy the non-gankers, but they should also satisfy the gankers too that buy.

Because they didn’t want to…? I lost track. Didn’t want to accept the game’s old status quo and fight for change, I guess? But I know Blizzard didn’t just tell them this is the game Blizzard wanted to set permanently withstanding appropriate micro-changes(like Diablo 2).

Other players might have told them no here in the forums, but not Blizzard themselves.

Also, ganking is not really that bad of a career choice. It sucks when you’re a victim of it(and I’ve smoked some L’s in Classic already in IC), but esoterically the Alliance and Horde are at war. Being in a PvP server as I am now unfortunately means I shall be a target for any Horde partisan. It’s really nothing more than the reality of the story and lore.

They didn’t have to go install the client and pay for a subscription either. Alas, so they did.

I can certainly say one thing: the strongest survives. Or as Charles Darwin would suggest, the most adaptable to change. Those who would have flushed out by your suggestions would have been eliminated like that of natural selection.

I was just saying that’s the tradition. That’s what motivated max-levels to go out of their way to attack and defend in those zones. When I picked up the ganking buiz in Warlords, I just went to the capitals. I didn’t really bother with other zones all that much, so I didn’t need special motivation most of the time.

Funny how no one cares about why I decided to stop raiding…all but a few actually. I’ve been cajoled to go back to it, actually. But it’s almost the same as no one caring about a core raider’s perma-QQ, and the reasoning thereof. That was a Human Warlock of 12 years that decided to go, an asset that could have been handy for a good while longer.

Yeah, virtually everyone did not care about that either. Because this is a secret dirtier than Ashley Madison’s underwear: NOBODY CARES ABOUT ANYONE, UNLESS YOU CAN BE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. So you’re correct, but don’t delude yourself thinking that your current guildmates, your “friends”, care about you either. Edit: Caring is weakness, something that can be exploited. So I’m not asking that people care about my struggle. I can try to appeal to common ground and common interests, though. As Charles de Gaulle said, “No nations has friends, only interests.”

I think the sooner every player comes to realize this, the better. The only person that cares is yourself. I care about me. You care about you.

So when you talk about ganking being detrimental, I can reserve the right to not care about how it offends the sensibilities of others. Because non-gankers don’t care about what’s best for me; why should I care about what’s best for them? So yeah, dangerous game it is, that not-caring stuff.

Furthermore, I can lay on the Hello Kitty insults and appeal to Blizzard to get rid of people I don’t care about, just like they did, or tried to do, to me.

Like I said, it was a favor to some Bnet friends of mine, since they would appreciate my company to level to 80 with them. That was fine with me. But take them out of the picture and you better believe it I would have leveled on my own as a Hordie solo(or with a casual guild).

I’m not ganking anyone now, not yet. I’m setting up the posterity thereof for next year and beyond. I need gold and materials right now. However, I am using Spy to record Horde toons that tick me off so I can gank them for vendetta later. The V in PvP is for Vendetta.

Believe me, the Horde have their unscrupulous ones that don’t care that you’re trying to get your 25 done. They’ll even kill some quest NPCs too. That’s the kind of ganking I won’t do unless it’s for vendetta against specific names. But if you saw me play, anytime I see a Horde out in IC I make sure I read their name carefully before deciding to gank. If it anyone who has been a poo-head to me or others it’s on…

I’m quite too old for Fortnite actually, and that’s not even the same kind of game. I was afraid you were going to suggest a completely different genre for WPvP, because WoW itself is quite hard to beat…

You noticed how it died down? When topics run their course, it actually becomes very peaceful. And it is the peak of PvP skill, yes.

Urban WPVP>WPvP>2’s Arena>3’s Arena>BGs>Epic BGs. This is the totem pole. People who WPvP full-time are higher than everyone else, and those who WPvP a lot in cities are higher than them. Contrariwise, epic BGs is the EASIEST form of PvP.

… I always thought it was real. :persevere:


Well now it is! It actually looks pretty interesting lol.



This right here is the thing you are fundamentally misunderstanding.

Blizzard didn’t do a single thing to satisfy the non-gankers. Not a damn thing. They did everything to satisfy the Gankers to the point where they spent large amounts of time and money and in game incentives creating Warmode to try and satisfy the gankers.

Warmode was for the Gankers not the Non-Gankers. Chromie time wasn’t to help the Non-Gankers, it was just a way for everyone to level easier and faster wherever they want. WPvP and ganking wasn’t even a consideration because it was already a dead non-issue because Warmode had failed.

WPvP and ganking failed because nobody but you wanted it. It drove away far more people than it ever brought into the game, and no matter how much you liked it and want it to, it ain’t coming back.

And that’s it, I’m done replying to you.

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Yeah lol.

I saw the advert for it a couple days ago and burst out laughing. Butters can be happy now.

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If you want a “cozy MMO” instead of a “cozy adventure,” come join us in the Palia open beta. :slight_smile:


By the Light… No it doesn’t. The purpose of “Capitalism” is monopoly creation and rent extraction by a Rentier Class. Which, amazingly enough, is happening right now in realtime. Open your eyes and look at what has happened in the US and EU the last 5 decades.

Except WoW was designed primarily as a PvE game . So Blizz has actually catered to the majority .

I do however believe they should show PvP players some love and say add some new BGs or make actual PvP zones like ESO or D4 have . They could even add a pvp area into new zones with each expansion and give alternate story routes where certain parts could be completed in either the pvp zone or in a non pvp zone.


And now I’m wondering what PvP would look like on Hello Kitty Island. Probably it would involve balloon swords or pies to the face.


WoW still has PvP. Warmode, Battlegrounds, Arenas…

Maybe your talking about the spirit of PvP, which is subjective? :man_shrugging:

And reading along your comments here of basicly “Things used to be good before Blizzard nerfed them in this PvE focused game”, maybe you should consider looking at other PvP only games? Idk.

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It’d probably be one of Mario Party’s minigame marathon modes.

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Note that “everyone else” applies to just those on that totem pole. I don’t quite know the PvE totem pole. M25+ and Mythic raiding is comparable at being on the top, with WPvE being at the bottom.

Because in Urban WPvP, if you’re not fast and accurate, you can get deleted quickly, JUST LIKE it is in M25+. You have to cycle more abilities in the seconds that doesn’t exist in real time.

I wasn’t trying to talk about CORPORATISM, which has been the prevailing system in these times. But this should be one dollar, one dollar’s worth of the pie. The gankers get their $15’ worth of the pie each month as do the non-gankers.

“Here’s your $15/mo, Blizzard. Now, what’s in it for me?”

And politically, I ask for fair ilvl disparities, fair balance between melee and ranged, and fair balance between pures and hybrids. At least those things for my $15/mo. But I’m at an impasse now because DF brought a lot of PvP-hostile changes.

Valdrakken has an AH. Cross-faction functionality makes the server communities too familiar and fraternizing for PvP. Chromie Time still exists. Bad sharding still exists. No WPvP-based progression is still a thing. The social contract is strictly enforced. Practically the full monty of Hello Kittification. And that’s not an insult to Hello Kitty at all. It’s an insult to REPLICATE one game into another like that of a virus. I would be playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure: WoW Edition when I really just want to play World of Warcraft.

Or as I said a few weeks ago, “Fantasy MMORPG Simulator 2023: WoW Edition”.

“Das Gänken Kapital” then startz to vanizh, and like the straws that broke the camel’s back, Blizzard is having a harder time keeping up overall. That’s capitalism right there. Even if all gankers are doing is keeping the lights on at the campus in Irving, that makes all the difference and gankers should be compensated accordingly.

EverQuest roots. And it gags me to mention that game.

I think WoW could have been a more excellent PvP experience if Blizzard applied themselves to it, esoterically through its history. Just like I saw in the Lineage series, Lineage did have both PvE and PvP but PvP was where it was at. Imagine entire zones and settlements of Azeroth owned by whichever faction recently conquered it, and the Gucci loot packages that come with it.

But it is what it is. I was still doing core raiding but that got so bland over time. Even for me, PvP was an afterthought most of the time, but I get sick and tired of being sick and tired of wiping on the same bosses every week and having nothing to show for it. My “friends” then didn’t care about getting anywhere.

And that was when I realized I was destined to get thrown out of that PvE dump to go into the ganking business for myself.

If I could “tucker out” the cute little animal friends in a WoW ganking style, that would be something I’d rather do. I’ll smite them with balloon swords and pies before they even knew what happened, haha.

With a SPM that rivals my best back in Battlefield 3!

That’s exactly what I’m talking about. The true spirit of competition…has gone. Classic is the last castle now.

Even WPvP looks so easy now with dragonriding from streamed gameplay videos. I didn’t want to mention this part. It’s funny that even in SL, Korthia and the Maw(where PvP did happen sometimes) didn’t allow flying. SL had plenty of nasty hazards to worry about.

Stupid question: How did a thread about Butters and Hello Kitty Island Adventure become a soap box about PVP?


It’s not a stupid question. That same poster just barges in randomly selected threads to talk about the same stuff and ends up arguing with nothing to say padded with quotes and pseudo-intellectual takes on their PoV.


Grumbles, leave this hellpit of a community for more bountiful lands and let us finally shrivel up and die without your light.