It took less than a year for FF14 hype to die

Wouldn’t surprise me. One of them types like a complete mongoloid. I wouldn’t be shocked if they behaved like one too.

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Sure depending on Server, time of purchase, type of leggo and amount of leggo’s.

Ohh wait, you think people only play toon with 1 spec dont you… LMFAO

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I like Coke and Pepsi.

Asmongold is a God

A literal God.

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I see that nothing draws the worst people on this forum like threads about other games.

The funny thing is, it’s his own thread. He willingly created this environment, he has no right getting upset. Like ffs I don’t walk into a restaurant that calls itself vegan only then get upset when they don’t sell me a steak. It’s kind of obvious what’s going to happen and you bring it upon yourself.

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Im not upset. Your inability to grasp basic concepts is fascinating to me.

You should just shut up, after your “mongoloid” comment. Shame on you.

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Nah, but I’m at least an adult and will leave it up. I meant it when I said it and I still stand by it now. Also saying someone “types like a mongoloid” is not akin to calling them one.

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That you are probably really an adult is tragic. Silencing thread.

A lot of these streamers are just chasing hype and trends. They don’t have loyalty to any one game and are just doing what they think is going to get them views. If you are trying to get anything more out of them than entertainment,adjust your expectations.

If you like playing a game you don’t need it to have a large following to justify it and if you’re trying to brag about your own favorite by putting down someone else’s, you are just sad. Leave it to the dummies fighting over sports teams.


It’s human nature. There’s an old comic of a guy finding a flag saying “Team A” on the sidewalk, picking it up being like “Wtf is this?” Seeing a guy with “Team B” and just saying “Wow, f- that guy.”

People also act this way with politics. Humans are just innately tribalistic. Sad reality but it’s reality nonetheless.



Loyalty to a…video game



the first streamer in the FF14 category has 900 viewers and is sponsored to play the game :rofl:

FF14 devs are desesperate , the game is done before next expansion

I hope everyone who left for FF is having fun :slight_smile:


Imagine, people playing a game rather than watching it… :man_facepalming:


you can do both , especially MMO , you don’t need to be focus in the game while leveling , farming achievement , mogs etc

Wow > ff14 endgame. Sorry :man_shrugging: . Yes I played shadowbringers. Its a wrap.

Twitch just isn’t a good metric for some games. FFXIV is one. Warframe, which is a top-10 Steam game when it has fresh content and still top-15 now, has also always had terrible Twitch numbers. Western kids use Twitch as the lens to gauge what’s popular, but it isn’t that simple. Games that do very well in Asia and Eastern Europe don’t necessarily get big Twitch views (or any Twitch for views at all). The dollar-store He-Man in this thread doesn’t seem to understand that, though.