It took less than a year for FF14 hype to die

Dont forget they were the only company to not be able to work while being sued… lol

It really confuses me where this fanatic tribalism comes from when talking about video games. I mean people should play what they want and let others play what they want. And we should all just shut it and go about our business.


I am not sure that Asmongold not touching WoW any more is bad news. I tend to think the opposite. :stuck_out_tongue:


buying tokens = selling tokens ,

if nobody would buy tokens , then tokens wouldn’t sell , then the token prize would be so low nobody would buy tokens

you are worse than people buying wow tokens , offering boost and buying mass tokens

Oh yeah, that was a big one. Also don’t forget, if you were concerned about the game not getting content you are paying for the development of and kind of expect a return on it that you are part of the problem.


More like taking advantage of the remaining whales who cant be bothered to put actual time into your beloved game…


Who pay money for tokens, which you provide with gold. Hence, you are supporting WoW. Unless you literally never log in again, YOU ARE SUPPORTING WOW.

Be less dumb, please.

Asmongold isn’t the problem it’s his lickspittle toadies that are.


Twitch MMORPG metrics are controlled by Asmon. Whatever he is playing, is the top viewed game. Period.


Uh, no? I can tell from your way of typing you aren’t particularly educated but let me try and explain this.

Players already bought the tokens. I am not encouraging them to buy the tokens. I am merely buying the ones that were presently already bought because they were going to sell anyway, so it isn’t like I’m adding to the demand.

Similarly, the supply of tokens was so high on Shadowlands launch the token prices plummetted because there were less people buying the tokens than the people selling them. Kind of like right now where token prices have spiked downward due to the vast amount of people spam buying tokens so they can have gold.


Personally, I think a lot of people are watching the RWF because it’s like watching a train wreck. Groups had to switch bosses because the boss was bugged :rofl:.

Good ol’ Blizzard QA.


What QA? They closed that department down a few years ago in the same year they recorded record profits. Don’t worry though, they were nice enough to give them gift cards for battle net balance that they could spend on the games they used to work on and now no longer do.


You realize this is literally wrong, right?

If people are buying tokens in mass for gold, the price would GO UP…

Like, come on dude, its not complicated…


So what, let their gold cap sit there and rot, or take advantage of the whales who need to pay 6mil to get AOTC.

I mean if the game was so perfect, nobody would need to sell tokens to pay 6mil a day to be carried, 1mil in leggos to actually perform adequately…

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It isn’t a popularity contest.

Even if it is, there’d be more creditability behind the people working on Elden Ring than Warcraft.

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1 mil :rofl:

Uh, no. Learn how supply and demand works. If the supply exceeds that of the demand, prices go down. If the demand exceeds that of the supply the cost goes up. Ergo, if more people are buying tokens with money to put on the AH than people buying them for gold, the price of a token plummets. If more people are buying them for gold than with USD the price goes up because they become more valuable due to scarcity.

This is like third grade level things, how are you so inept you don’t even know that?

On Shadowlands launch, you know what people were doing a lot of? BUYING TOKENS FOR MONEY TO SELL FOR GOLD. Know what they weren’t doing? BUYING TOKENS WITH THAT GOLD BECAUSE THEY NEEDED LEGENDARY BASES.


Also, OP, this sounds like massive cope.

I’d like both games to be healthy rather than bounce on and off, but the dev team dug their grave years ago


I have a funny feeling someone’s monitor is getting covered in spittle at the moment as he is yelling at the screen replying.


I feel like basing anything off of Twitch isn’t going to tell you much. Also it’s just you showing your bias to Wow good and FFXIV bad.

Twitch works on fads. It’s not an accurate number of active users in a game to tell you this. And since neither game will release those numbers you’re just circling the toilet bowl friend.

I will say for my self personally if I had to pick I would pick FFXIV. It’s a much better game then this one. I’m just doing Shadowlands with my friend because he desperately wants to finish the story since everyone he knows quit Shadowlands halfway through. And I will say I’m in Bastion and I can certainly see why. Holy crap is this zone boring.