It took less than a year for FF14 hype to die

yea but when WoW doesnt have content in like(for me) 3-4 months, in this obv 15-month raid tier, and FF14 does, then you go back and play ff14 and not WoW

both games seasonal.

You seem really obsessed with FF14


Yes. The forum community has this obnoxious habit of double standards. They do it with streamers too. If streamers quit WoW or play another game, suddenly their opinions are null and void, they have no influence over the success of the game, etc. If streamers play the new patch and speak favorably of it, suddenly their word is law and them being happy means the game is on the rise once more.

They did this with Preach too. Back in late-Cata to Mid-MoP era after his “The Problem is in the Mists” video dropped everyone basically considered him the WoW equivalent of Hitler. Linking the video on these forums or mentioning it instantly got your post downvoted into oblivion, etc. Then whenever he says he’s optimistic of the next expansion suddenly everyone cares about what he has to say.

Kind of annoying. Especially since while the forum users don’t have a consistent stance given it’s a myriad of different people— THESE ARE THE SAME DAMN PEOPLE SAYING BOTH THINGS.


Kinda have to semi agree with op here. The amount of news, streamers,this forum filling up with ff14 clutter was huge. Then 2 weeks after the xpac launched everyone realized that it was a walking simulator of an expac with even more head bobbing snoozefest cut scenes and interest nose dived into oblivion.

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Most/all of the servers for that walking simulator are still completely full.

Just think of all those people logging in for hours and hours every day to play a game they secretly hate just because they want to pretend that Shadowlands was a bad expansion. The dedication they have to sit in ques just to spite the WoW forumgoers.

Even worse, all those events throwing awards at it for it’s amazing story, great music, being game of the year
 it’s amazing that SquareEnix was able to bribe so many of them to keep the secret that World of Warcraft is certainly not in a decline with a hugely slumped playerbase related to poor design, questionable story choices, and an industry rocking sex scandal and wrongful death suit they are still being sued over while lying to their players about.


I’m talking about the census, which was (at least in 2018) based off of the Yol mount that you acquired through the story. Honestly amazed you have no idea what it is ffxivcensus for reference. Is it completely accurate? Not in the slightest since there are tons of people who stick with the trial and just don’t go forward
i’m still amazed you didn’t know this existed. Never said Squenix published anything, just said it was tracked via an achievement. shrug

I can’t give you a link for some reason (ActiBlizz being fragile maybe?), but I am sure you are competent enough to use google. There’s also Luckybancho.

That’s cool because I even acknowledged this in the same post you’re replying to about how Square doesn’t tamper with the census sites, which presupposes I am aware of their existence, but thanks for reminding me something exists that I already stated I knew existed.

I was talking about the other person saying they’ve published their numbers in the past, they haven’t.

I know you’re exaggerating but trillions is a bit much lol, 1 trillion / 20 players. They each have to spend 50 billion gold to have borrowed 1 trillion gold.

The actual ff14 players (I do play it as well even though this expansion had a horrible msq) sure they can like it all they want.

I’m more talking about the virtual signaling “totally ex-wow players who totally quit the game”. The ff14 “activity” went from 100 to 0. Undeniable really.

The actual ff14 players don’t care about wow. The ex-wow players that needed validation realized that ff14 is literally nothing like wow and stopped commenting every 4 seconds on how great the game is because they didn’t make it past ARR.

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Then who are all these players and where did they come from? And where did all those WoW players go?

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Everyone is busy playing the game because its fun to play! Why watch it when you can play it!


lol dead anime weeb game.

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the truth is ff14 is a story game. there’s not much content in endwalker except the savage raid but even that kind of died out after a month.

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Back to wow? Into the ether? To play other games? Went to florida for vacation? Does it matter?

It was pretty quite clear how after a week or two the hype dropped off the side of the earth. Instead of a “ff14 so gud, much better than wow” thread every 5 minutes we started seeing “ff14 is bad” threads pop up in different places.

I called this when the so called “mass exodus” was supposed to happen from wow. Majority of new ff14 players (and by new I mean the so called ex wow players) would quit in a month.

I think what’s actually happening in the MMO scene are players who are for once venturing out and trying newer games because WoW just isn’t as good as it used to be. It’s within the same line of thinking during the “WoW Killer” era where every new big MMO that was coming out during WoWs slow decline was supposed to become the new king. But what ended up happening was they were for the most part just watered down versions of WoW with a new skin.

FFXIV seems to be the main topic now because of how polar opposite the Devs see and treat the players. And a lot of players are upset and confused trying to find out why it’s so damn hard for Blizzard to just listen to their players on clear issues with the game.

At this point, I see that there’s just an abundance of new MMOs out there that people are trying out. With all of them looking at an empty throne because right now, I don’t believe there’s one definitive MMO on the market that rules over them all.


But then why are FF servers still full, and why is WoW still so empty? That just doesn’t add up.


Wow servers have way more capacity then ff servers because blizzard isn’t cheap compared to square enix.

The queues at launch of endwalker were 2 fold.

Popularity (ovbiously)
Login servers being absolute garbage and server capacity being low.

It has been a problem for what 8 years now?

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idk what game youre playing but FF servers are definitely not full atm. i logged on the other day and one the new endwalker cities was literally empty. unless you just mean the people that afk all day in the starter cities




So the FF servers are at maximum capacity.
Then FF cannot possibly be more successful than it is right now. It has reached cap success.

Those players haven’t come from a Vacuum. They came from here. A lot of them didn’t come back, as manifested by them still being there. Granted there are a lot of people like me who play both, but WoW is a ghost-town compared to SL launch.

I just got a que at 10PM on a sunday night. Are you on the new datacenter?