It took less than a year for FF14 hype to die


Wth? I sincerely hope you’re not also bundling in what happened with their implosion that led to the creation of Echo as something that “makes it good”


it really is worth it in the end but I can understand if it’s not for you. Unlike WoW, they actually managed to connect the story/chars/events/etc of ARR and before to the end in certain ways and its beautiful. Everything you did in ARR paid off. Not everyone seems to be a narrative person and will settle for a bad story instead if it lets you get to the combat instead and forget a story exists. This is the kind of place WoW has created after making “endgame” the goal of the game instead of a rich narrative story people would like after Steve Danuser took over.


i have little interest in the public outrage. seeing them refuse to roll over and die when the mob demanded it is of entertainment value to me.

come at me, bro!

Public outrage has nothing to do with this. To genuinely look at what went down at Method and be like “Lul. Look at this public outrage. Gr8 entertainment Method” just plays into the problem that people care more about entertainment then human decency.


i am proudly part of the problem.

i have no following to lose for admitting so.

you have no power here.

As long as you’re aware. It’s no skin off my back.

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im glad the ffxiv hype has died down. i have no queues thankfully it was horrible on endwalker launch

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others would admit too - if they were not put at risk by such.

and then we could talk about the actual problem - and maybe even attempt to ameliorate or resolve it.

sadly with the way people have to conceal themselves in the e-public, that won’t happen.

this is not how we imagined the internet communities would go. We didn’t think we’d rebuild the Middle Ages. Inquisition and religion and all. Being able to speak your mind in a way that does not align with the teachings of the woke is incredibly liberating. It should be common and trivial but things have gone wrong when “you can’t say that on the internet” went from a meme to a policy.

i don’t think the problem will ever go away as long as people focus their efforts on shielding themselves from exposure rather than solving the problem. your world order will not lead to any utopic future ever. you probably know this too by now.

Method Josh: Grooming underage kids while being protected by the guild.


lol. What is this garbage?

“Im too scared to speak my mind in public, so i will do it anonymously on the internet! Im so brave!”

There is no problem. The Free Market reacting to bad people isnt censorship or stifling your freedoms.

Could you be any more of a snowflake?


Honestly the base game’s story isn’t even that bad. It’s just more straightforward than what comes after. As much as I do agree with the story improving over time, I feel like if you’re so put off by the base game’s story, you probably wouldn’t get a ton of enjoyment out of the stuff fans see as “better” either. It probably just isn’t doing things in a way that works for you.


We all know what’s going on… stop licking the trolls toes.

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You seem to have gone off to space. So let me ground you for a moment and bring you back to the conversation.

You were having a disagreement with Orctang regarding Methods corruption. You then responded by saying…

“That’s what makes it good”

I bring up the MethodJosh drama with grooming underaged kids and your response was that you value entertainment over human decency.

At that point I don’t need an explanation from you. Which is funny to me that you’re trying to explain yourself and your stance in general because you know you’re wrong and are trying to twist and stretch your argument like you’re playing a game of Bop it to somehow fit your world view on the matter. If you have a problem just stating that the stuff with MethodJosh is wrong then again it’s no skin off my back. That’s a you problem.


Methodjosh… what class is he playing? i haven’t seen him this tier.

Don’t backpeddle! It makes your stance look even worse! Be proud like you said you were.


here we go. now you’re going for the kill.

however… not interested in your angles.


I can’t kill what’s already dead.

What angle? It’s your argument. If you all of a sudden want to back out of it I honestly wouldn’t blame you. It’s a bad take.


the arbiter decides all takes for their merit. and supporting Method is not a good take. very problematic.
this is what I’m talking about.

Stadia > all

Well this is what you get. When you go on a public forum with a bad take then expect others to push back on it. Nothing “woke” about it.