It took less than a year for FF14 hype to die

Never understood why GD has had such a hard time with this concept.

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Oh God not this again

Twitch viewership means nothing

You can like two games


Because they are gamers and gamers have notoriously low iq

Most studies show the average gamer is 110-115 IQ. Thatā€™s not low.

Much much worse

What? Gamers tend to be more developed when it comes to critical thinking skills and thinking outside of the box, however, they usually as a result are more stunted on the social elements.

It isnā€™t a gamer thing, itā€™s just people being people. Itā€™s General Discussion, a place full of people that still think WoW is in its prime. Youā€™re not exactly dealing with MENSA types here. Youā€™re more dealing with types that thought their glue bottle contents were just a thicker form of milk.

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Yeah but thatā€™s only if they have seen Rick and Morty.

I still have queue times at night. Soā€¦no.

Iā€™m sure youā€™re just trolling but dudeā€¦ Iā€™m not sure how this helps WoW get out of its funk. Truthfully, this attitude that Iā€™m seeing more of lately just leans me towards unsubbing from WoW again. No one in my XIV fc talks smack about WoW when I go run an rbg or whatevs.


Top Active MMORPGS (daily players)

|1|Lost Ark
|3|FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn
|4|World of Warcraft
|5|Destiny 2
|6|Path of Exile
|7|Guild Wars 2
|10|World of Warcraft Classic

several of those are not MMOs. From their own website:

There are better metrics than stream views.

Limiting your metrics to stream viewership automatically skews the data based on age and amount of free time. You also have no measure of whether or not everyone who watches a streamer plays the game.

Your reasoning is specious; your argument invalid. Dismissed.


This doesnā€™t stop the need for WoW to improve.


Destiny 2, and Warframe are hub based as well so not true mmoā€™s.

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No, FF14 actually puts out real numbers, unlike blizz who hides them.

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I googled it and there doesnā€™t appear to be any solid figure from Square Enix anywhere?
Itā€™s external websites that uses data mainly collected from Steam.

Neither game releases their numbers. Theyā€™ll say how many characters have been created. Just no sub numbers.

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FF14 copists still insisting its the bestest game ever?

Lost Ark is the superior weeb game.

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Personally I play multiple games and havenā€™t opened up my twitch client in years. Iā€™m betting those numbers donā€™t mean much.


So, the metric that 14 goes by is based on an achievement basis. There was one achievement in Stormblood (itā€™s the one that circulated around the Yol bird mount and it is story related), that got ticked every time someone got it which is how player count was gauged at one point in time. Not sure what theyā€™re doing now.

Not once you get to the gearing part of the game. Didnā€™t really care for Lost Arkā€™s story or VO either.