It took less than a year for FF14 hype to die

the game was not trash in 9.0

Yeah it was.

Actually quite the contrary, people want their accounts removed from steam right now because they’ve had issues with account links.

Friend last week couldn’t get on for 8hrs over steam issues, not FF ones. Forum was full of threads about it.

for you if you want :slight_smile:

but for others maybe not even Asmongold said 9.0 was good

Game lost over half it’s playerbase in less than 2 months.

Their new security features were a little TOO good. :rofl:

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Listen here, noob. Nintendo is the superior platform.

nop the game was fine the first 3 months , had 7M5 players then 9.1 was too late and bad , so yep lot of people quit

Just stop your post are always bad in every thread. You’re a person full of bad opinions and bad takes.

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I felt for my friend, but yeah in a nutshell the link site was crashing, then they all got flagged for odd login activity.

I am happy I started through the launcher, a good Samaritan warned me.

Nope, it wasn’t. Game was dying almost right at the start.

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no :slight_smile: i don’t want

I don’t care about you, doesn’t make your posts any smarter or good. It’s all bad stuff, even all of what you’ve been posting here is bad. you don’t know how to analyze anything. You should go back to school.

This post is silly. They’re both good games and worth their prices.

9.2 is a great patch so I’m not surprised we have more people playing. FFXIV is most popular right after a patch release, and there is one coming up. The devs even said they don’t expect players to stay subbed for months with nothing to do as there are many good games out there to play.

Judging FFXIV popularity based on twitch viewers is the most BASELESS way to judge it. This post is silly.


That probably does affect the numbers, you’re right. But not in such a massive way. This has been a steady decline over 6 months now by like 25%+ of the players

And just like that I know you haven’t read anything at all.

Try reading the rest of my post.

I love how you still believe that Steam numbers represent all the player numbers for all the ports of FF14. :laughing:

Apparently he still doesn’t know that. :man_shrugging:


People have bought the expansion though. You think WoW SL purchases stay consistent after people bought it? No.

They don’t track the entirety of anything remotely there. The patch is landing in April, you will see the jump again, like we did here when this one dropped.

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Me too i don’t care about you because you don’t make any takes and add nothing to the discussion :slight_smile:

you come there and say i make only bad takes , your profile is hidden , i have never seen you in any topics

you probably don’t even play the game since months