It took less than a year for FF14 hype to die

nobody is lying here , we use data , numbers and what we see :sunglasses:

you are lying , show us a metric the game is doing well , you have 5 minutes

You used a metric on twitch.

And think you are winning an argument? When how many do not even use twitch… As plenty have told you.

Get out of here. :rofl:


And yet you’re still here posting about FFXIV on the WOW forums lol.

You should tell me why you’re personally offended that people are saying a video game is dead. Which, it is, as seen by every observable metric.

Yeah, and some of them have really bad lull periods and really bad non-lull periods, such as FFXIV, because it’s dead.

These are facts. I get that you may personally like the game but that doesn’t mean it’s doing well objectively.

not only twitch , steam numbers lowers than in 2021 when the new expansion have been out since 3 month

google trends of FF14 going to the ground , now it’s your turn

Looks up at the OP.

It’s anti FF, hmmm weird.

Who is keeping it alive again? (rent free in your head FF wins)


Not that this is indicative of whether or not a game is successful, but does FF14 forums also have a lot of players that quit but still hang around commenting negatively on the state of the game?

I ask because WoW is the first subscription game I’ve noticed this in, but wasn’t sure if FF also had players like this(haven’t played in many years. not sure what the community is like these days)

I would say spending untold amounts of money to do a complete graphical overhaul of the game in the next expansion, as well as expanding servers, including an entirely new data center in Oceania, would imply that the game is doing extremely well, growing even.


We’re not the ones that are turning this into a tribalistic war where one side “wins.”

And certainly its “fanbase” isn’t keeping FFXIV alive, considering they all quit less than a month after the new expac. :joy:

yep small additions , i have seen some image and the graphical overhaul is quite laughtable

expanding servers , it’s not hard anyway because they start from 0 , they have bad servers even Lost Ark have already better servers

I don’t understand why people seem to need validation that the game they are playing is fun.

Wouldn’t…playing it and having fun be enough?


It’s pretty significant, unlike most of WoWs dead servers.

Lost Ark in NA is part of Amazon. In case you were wondering, Amazon owns like a third of the internet lol.


Square enix just did not want to invest in servers because they knew the hype would go down fast

waste of money

They are mostly like me, not actually playing WoW lol.

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Nah. Ain’t no way Square Enix will let FFXIV die. It has to make up for the Avengers loosing money for the company.

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Why did they then?


Sadly despite enjoying WoW far more, FFXIV gives me the player interaction I want. The game is substantially easier, drawing in a crowd I’d much rather hang around.

I looked into it a bit. I’m not sure what exactly they’re doing but it’s obvious they’ve had a low hanging fruit right in front of them for some time. That being letting go of all the older GFX API restrictions they’ve been holding on to.

because they have to act like they care , you don’t really know what they are doing/mean by ‘‘expanding servers’’

I’m really not interested in this ongoing debate over which MMO is currently the “top” MMO.

People should just enjoy what they want without worrying about whether its popular among streamers or whatever.


A corporation is going to spend ridiculous amounts of cash to look like they care? Lol wut? Are you insane? If that was the case, you would think Blizzard would try to clean up some of their dead servers lol. You can count on your hands the number of servers in WoW with a decent population.


It’s doing well, that’s true. But I’m not sure if it’s growing. If we were to go by Steamcharts, the playerbase has only been going down since the release of Endwalker, which is fine and normal, that’s to be expected. But it doesn’t look like it’s growing though.

The servers were incredibly bad. I remember trying to get in around launch day. One of the worst queues I’ve ever experienced honestly.

Regardless, I’m not trying to hate on FF here. It’s a good game and I enjoy it.