It took less than a year for FF14 hype to die

I’ll have to agree, I enjoyed just about every single FF game even X-2, but the story in 14 was pretty standard for FF. Nothing about it was so mindblowing or even original, they just borrowed a bit from all their other FF games.

It can be boiled down to NPC sends you to guy 1, guy 1 can’t help you but knows a guy 2 who can, guy 2 will help you but needs something from guy 3, guy 3 lost the item but knows where it is, guy 3 sends you to a purple goop ring and you fight 1-3 mobs, you click a sparkle on the ground and go back to guy 3, guy 3 does the thing and sends you back to guy 2, guy 2 says some stuff and you go back to guy 1. Literally the entire FF14: ARR story.

the game don’t have a lot to offer outside of the storyline , thats why you are all there on a wow forum talking about wow with a wow sub :rofl:

People have just jumped to other alternatives. It’s not like they’re coming crawling back to WoW (which continues to die), lol.

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Tell me you have never played without telling me you never played.

They have SOOOO much. I mean miles over WoW. You have trades that actually matter, you have all the side stories and extra raids and such that are not part of msq. Even a sightseeing book, I mean, things the devs want you to see, instead of grounding you for a year…

Heck the thing people have whined about for years here, even doing old raids is relevant! You get tokens for current gear.

But yasss nothing to do! :rofl: :clown_face:


Imagine being so bitter about another game being successful and loved by the MMO community, while WoW is trashed from all sides, that you have to spend over 200 posts trying to convince everyone how bad this game is, lmao.


I do enjoy doing maps with the FC when we’re not raiding. It’s fun to just hop in discord and F around.

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Uh oh, Asmon just started streaming. Get ready for Lost Ark to overtake WoW because the streamer numbers are meaningless lol.

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Maps I forgot those!

So much fun too! We did some last weekend and that risk reward game was rough, we got to the 5th card and pushed it, lost it all ><.

with Asmongold , WOW would still be ahead of 50K viewers :sunglasses:

Are you forgetting that Lost Ark is still a new game?

Copium at its finest, lol.

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it’s not even true btw , lost ark have 41K viewers atm , asmon would have 60k = 100K

WOW have 150k :sunglasses:

every content creator already quit Lost Ark because the game is giga grindy + P2W

So in a nutshell you gauge popularity off of views?



Asmon has over 50k by himself…

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Just Chatting must be a banger of a game then



Asmon has 50K but WOW would still have more viewers than Lost Ark even with Asmon :sunglasses:

Is the leveling experience good at least? I never tried it.

its almost like viewers focus their watch time on games that have current active events in them.

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Yeah the game look fun for the leveling part but after it’s just a grind fest and gambling game

So a game with nothing going on is going have nearly the same viewers as a game with a major PvE event?

Haha, wow, that’s bad lol.