It took almost 4 months for Blizzard to explain Island Expeditions

Almost 4 months after release Blizzard finally explains how the Island Expedition rewards system actually works and it comes in a post about how it’s changing because of confusion among players.

How are they this oblivious? You know what could have prevented that confusion and not made you change how rewards work? Actually communicating to your playerbase on how a major expansion feature works.


We probably don’t get that anymore because the community has become complacent accepting the norm just because their name is ’ Blizzard '.

This addon will do a better job for Island Expeditions than anyone.


I’m confused. What didn’t we know and what’s changing?


A large part of the confusion for Island Expeditions, was how the loot table works. It was just, chase rares for good things but no one entirely knew what dropped. So, they just released a post explaining and stating that’s changing

I still think this addon does a better job than they or anyone will do though:


People were purposely not collecting azerite and/or opening chests so they didn’t finish the expedition before killing specific enemies. Now they come out and say the reward drop chances came from collecting the azerite from/around those enemies.


They admitted it’s a convoluted system that encourages you to lose to get a better chance at getting the mysterious loot that drops from killing unknown mobs.


Which, it’s not changing much. So, the mobs that spawn way later into the Island, you still have to slow down you opponent to give them time to spawn, if I’m not mistaken.

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This sounds like it is changing:


Good, I may actually start doing them then.


This sounds like a change for the worse in my opinion. Now, you have the whole table that’s dropping, instead of killing x things.


It is changing but it’s changing because of confusion that they caused by not just telling their players how it worked. It wasn’t an issue because of the system. It was an issue because they refused to take 5 minutes to tell people how it worked.


At least it encourages winning and doesn’t punish doing it quickly.


"We’re trying to be better at communication "
-some yak, probably


I dunno. Sounds like people won’t be kicking people anymore for “doing it wrong.” Which is a positive thing. If it actually works that way.


It encourages farming something that’s boring really. If I wanted x specific loot, all I had to do was continuously kill that mob on the current system. With the new system, now it’s pure RNG like the rest of this darn expansion.

I don’t get what’s hard about having someone on your development team write guides on how things work on your game and then implement the guides in the game, so folks don’t need addons and such.

EDIT: I’m kinda glad I got my pirate hat from there now. As I wouldn’t have the patience to grind something that boring for a bare minimum reward, for a chance at a tmog I’d like.


To me, those changes sound like a way to stop people from kicking others, because now they just want you to finish the IE the way some people actually were but were getting kicked for doing so.

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I wasn’t even commenting on that part of the discussion. So I don’t understand why you’re arguing with me about it.

All I asked was what we didn’t know and what was changing, which you answered perfectly for me, so thank you. And I said it might actually be a good change. But I haven’t addressed the them not explaining it earlier part.


You are missing the point here. People were getting kicked because of confusion Blizzard caused by not telling people how rewards work. These people kicking players weren’t even farming rewards correctly.


It was just a general comment about the system and I probably could’ve worded it better. My bad.

I didn’t miss your point. I was simply trying to focus on the hopefully positive part that the change might bring. That’s all.