It takes over 72hours to get to 50. Will they have a character boost to level 50 in phase 4?

quest to deadmines/WC then RFK/stocks to 30 duskwood incursions to 36 to SM then ashenvale incursions 40 to 50. that will get you to 50 very quickly, basically a full set ready to go for leveling to 60, and enough gold for abilities, the 40 mount and dual spec + change. then move to hinterland/feralas incursions and you should be able to get enough gold for an epic mount in probably 8ish hours


this is the chance you’ve been waiting for #nochanges, you can cast exorcism on him!

What are you doing, playing golf between levels? If it takes you that long it sounds like a you issue.

Just judging by the posts, I’d say the majority of players here are retail players at one point - Wrath and on.

72 hours is a blink in MMO time. You measure MMO time in days played. It should take the average player over 20 days played to hit 60. That should be the mark they’re trying to hit. All these kids raised with queue-based matchmaking have no idea what this genre is about. It’s insane.


So how do you feel about incursions? I just did some Ashenvale incursions for the first time and got 2 levels in 30 mins. I’m sad that it makes the rest of the game pointless to level in.

One of the most braindead ideas someone on their team could have had and worse that they implemented it without realizing how bad it was. They have all of this game to use and are constantly squandering it. There is no “Discovery” in this game. Discovery would be things you find as your character explores the world. Oh, look, a quest that leads me to a different area that has a few new things. No, instead it’s a quest from your class trainers to go do some specific ability task. Instead of discovering what happened to some of the gnomes of Gnomeregan, we just have a dungeon taken away to be a raid instead. Thanks.

Their changes are the opposite of “discovery”. It should be called Season of Omission, because they’re forcing us to omit so much of the game. Incursions literally caused the omission of the rest of the world.


Personally, I like the Ashenvale incursions (duskwood ones suck), but I also don’t enjoy questing, so I understand I’m most likely in the minority on this subject. I like spamming dungeons, but there’s not many people online or are willing to run a major portion of them at the moment, sadly.

We got to discover incursions!

Which cornered us into very small corners of the world for the duration of the leveling experience…

Such low quality bait…

Yet so many bites.

It would be bait if a large host of the audience (mainly, if not solely, the kids who do nothing but jerk off to toxic streamers all day) didn’t actually think leveling takes too long. A large portion of today’s video game audience doesn’t actually want to play video games. They want to be featured on “TV”. Being lower level means they won’t be featured on the show they’re watching, and there is no chance they could be. So, they’d rather skip the entire game to have their 12 seconds then move on, completely unaware of the consequences of their wishes.

Not denying that those people exist… but I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t play SoD past phase one because they’d be driven nuts at being capped at level 25 for 9 weeks straight.

I’m reasonably sure this was a LQ bait post. Better quality than overtures for Token… but still disingenuous.

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Maybe so, but forums aren’t conversations with just the OP. They’re archived resources for people to refer to whenever. If Blizzard doesn’t moderate, which they don’t moderate well, it’s up to other posters to say what’s wrong with the posts already there, if there is something wrong with them.

The 4chan attitude of “u mad” “le troll xD” type stuff doesn’t go away when you ignore it. It just gives them a platform to be dumb. It’s better to call those people dumb and the only thing to ignore is their wishes.

Go download a pirated version of rested xp or zygor. Follow the guide. Do ashenvale events until you can buy your 10g ashenvale mount. Once you hit 40 do ashenvale no kill incursions until 50. Get a decent amount of gold. Buy the emerald wardens gear off the vendor at 50. Profit.

Everyone says everything is bait on the WoW forums. Is it bait if more than half of the community agree its a problem. Incursions are very unorganized and take away from the rest of the game. They are fun once you have the addon and know the route AND are a high enough level to not get dismounted constantly. I can see why people hate them.

Didn’t you just ask for a 50 boost lmao.

Ok Sod is NOT Classic if you wat Just classic You have era so ya Your absolutely right.

I hate that it takes away from the game and the world. I also like to work the Auction house and professions. Why level a professions when you can make 100 gold an hour running incursions.

Level boost? Please quit for a different game mode. SoD has plenty of problems but we dont need to add that trash on top of it

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I started leveling an alt on a different server just in case Shadowstrike bites the dust, and I literally made it to 35 in 22hrs /played.

I’m leveling a Warrior. Dual Wielding. Doing near-exclusively quests.

It seems pretty fast to me. I’m literally out-leveling my normal route, skipping tonnes of content because it simply goes grey.

I did my first Deadmines at 27, exclusively for the pants. Loaded up my quest log with Stockades quests, and then managed to out-level them before I managed to put a group together.

Any faster and they may as well just let me port the PTR characters I made over.

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