It takes over 72hours to get to 50. Will they have a character boost to level 50 in phase 4?

I started leveling a character to get ready for phase 4 and my /played is already 48 hours and I’m not even to level 40. My friends want to play but do not want to dedicate 72hours just to get to level 50 and experience phase 4.
Buying a boost to 50 would make farming gold for mounts and leveling professions a bit weird, but it is still better than 72hours.
Curious to hear peoples thoughts.

What are you doing to level? Takes less then 30 hours to hit 50 with the current boosts if you optimize your routes, though I’m unsure how many leveling groups/raids there are to speed level currently.

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Why are you going so slowly


I’m questing and doing a dungeon here and there while leveling professions. Are you guys just running dungeons on repeat?

sure why not?

who cares at this point lol


WOW my guild is telling me Incursions is the only way to play. I tried the Duskwood incursion and it was so awkward with the quests I said these are lame and decided to not do them.
They are farming incursions and getting hundreds of gold and 10 levels in 6 hours…
So basically don’t play classic wow and do quests and level professions just run incursions over and over for tons of gold and XP…


You have honed in on the big misstep Blizzard took in SoD. Right there, that’s it.


id argue the bigger misstep is killing the majority of the pug scene by moving to 20 mans. People don’t want to spend a bunch of time waiting to fill a group.

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You choose to not do the best xp method and then complain about xp and blame blizzard lmao


Yeah dude, sod sucks.


We have 150% exp from 1-50 (when ph4 drops) and 100% exp from 50-60.

Currently 150% from 1-40 and 100% from 40-50.

And you want a boost??

Also … where are you getting your numbers for 72 hours? I have 4-5 level 50’s, work full time, and am happily married. I barely touched incursions on any of my toons.

Is this your first time playing classic or are you trying to rile up the masses?


I mean, for one thing everyone here is responding to a retail player. So 99% chance this entire thread is simply a ragebait thread because he’s asking for boosts in SoD where there is already a 150% exp buff. So the thread is simply to just hurt SoD moral.

On the off-chance that this isn’t such a thread. You can hit 50 in 30 hours without touching a single incursion or dungeon. You quest in a zone until your 2 levels above the quests then go to the next one. Even mucking around I hit my druid at 40 in around 20 hours without incursions and running SM once and BFD once.

Hell, you can make a nightelf anything and level so fast that within 2 hours your nearly level 20 and out leveling darkshore. 2 hours. Probably less if you actually tried.

God forbid you level as a human, you can hit level 20 in less then 2 hours and if you want to deadmines few times and some redridge quests in another 2 be over 30+

One run of BFD with all the raid quests is nearly 2 levels. One Gnomer with all the quests is nearly 2 levels.

Speed runners can hit max level in an afternoon.

Literally no excuses.


This is bait. And you all fell for it.


no it doesn’t…

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probably cause there are no people doing dungeons and very few doing incursions with the dead population right now

doing it the first few weeks of p3 and now is night and day

OP is a demon.

Not if the best XP method is boring grind you repeat over and over.
I leveled to level 37 on a hunter doing quests and working on Professions and i am at almost 42hours. At this rate it will take me another 24hours to reach 50 or I can run incursions and hit 50 in 6 hours running the same thing over and over and over… AND I will make 10X the gold doing this as well.

that would guarantee the world dies out even faster!

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hey yall make way for the super duper important whale
cmon opie
once again this time with feeling and more effort

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If you’re playing a retro MMO and think needing to grind isn’t part of the game, then you best log off and fire up Roblox or Retail.

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