It takes less time to fix the bug than to ban me you losers


I wouldn’t be posting here if you guys would just fix the most simple bug that’s ever existed.

Holy moly. At least say something. Is this the intended interaction? Even if it’s intended it’s bugged in its implementation. Is this forum completely useless? Does anyone at blizzard even read this other than AI moderation bots?

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that’s not how this forum works.
it’s a report forum.
not a “chat with QA forum”.

regular bug fixes go out, so clearly someone is reading.

Yup, exactly, this is the only possible source of information for what bugs exist in the game - no other way for them to know what bugs are in the game. They fix bugs regularly, so clearly they are regularly reading this forum very intently and diligently. There are no other ways to submit bug reports and they do not employ playtesters or anything like that, it’s just this forum, so they must be reading it. Dang - that’s the dumbest paragraph I’ve ever written.

Are you talking about your own paragraph? Probably should avoid sarcasm as it’s clearly not your strong suit.

I mean this bug with assa tier has been known about by players since 10.1 PTR yet they haven’t fixed it, so what should players assume?

Essentially you’re arguing that they just don’t care, which I already know, but unfortunately I refuse to give up complaining until they actually fix it. It would take a matter of seconds. It’s one variable on one spell effect.

btw you don’t get brownie points for sticking up for blizzard on these forums. Take that to reddit. Thanks.