It seems like the automated reporting system has been abused for years. Why won't they fix it?

So it isn’t happening to me, but a friend. He had a falling out with his guild over a minor disagreement and decided to leave. Because he was one of the primary tanks for Mythic content, they now can’t do Mythic content.

So what happens? The guild leader tells everyone in the guild to mass report him. He’s had to change his character’s name because he’s constantly getting dinged with multiday mutes due to them.

Every time this happens, he has to sit in a support ticket for 3 days to get the automated system action removed. Is there any recourse for him to take on the people who are clearly abusing the reporting system?

Why does Blizzard let such an abusable system remain? I’m fairly certain I’ve seen people mention getting temp bans because they made a multiboxer mad once, and he just had all his bots do a /report on him.


Blizzard has a lot of faith in mob rule most likely because it’s cheaper to encourage thy neighbor report thy neighbor and fix the abuses than to police it themselves.


Submit a separate ticket explaining what’s going on would be the best bet. Appeals are just appeals so making a separate ticket to explain the situation would help.

Also, at that point, it sounds like they have him on friends list in some capacity and when he name swaps they see it someway. His best bet is to make that ticket.


Unfortunately the current system (and no system ever really) can’t distinguish between exploitative behavior via mass false flagging and legitimate mass flagging. So he has no choice but to file an appeal each time. Changing his server and name would help to cover his tracks but he would also need to hide his details on the various crawler websites that exist like check-pvp and raiderio etc, in order to stop people tracking down his new name and other characters.

as always, nothing rings true with this.

If there was an issue with their name, they would be forced to rename the character.

If the name IS problematic, there’s no reason to believe it’s the guild who reported them.

If they were hit with a forced name change, and changed it to something equally inappropriate, it has nothing to do with the guild.

So you’re talking about a squelch, not a silence?
It’s hard to tell when you’ve used the term “mutes”

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Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Haha, he never said anything about having to do forced name changes! He is changing his name to try and avoid being mass reported!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


if the reports were merely out of spite, how would a name change make any difference?

surely the people who are totally obsessed with spending their time chasing this person around, would need to have them on their friend list so they can see where they are in order to report them?

changing their name won’t prevent that

That’s a shame - well, most good mythic groups will just put in the time and effort and find another tank

And… this is where you are either lying or misrepresenting stuff

  1. The only “automated” system in WoW are squelches (silences are handed out by GMs after reviewing a squelch), which when abused in this way will be reverted once a GM look at their ticket asking 'em to resolve it, and that’s the end of that (except for the guys reporting 'em, if doing the thing you are saying that they are doing that’s a reportable offense if done in-game)
  2. If specifically his name is being reported then that means that he has a name that a GM decided to state was inappropriate and thus’ forced a name change

Edit: corrected the bit I got wrong about squelches and silences as I got that slightly wrong

Already covered this but yes, they have to use the ticket system like anyone and everyone else, and yes it is possible to report 'em if he has in-game evidence (whispers, messages, etc.) to prove it

This is literally just false through and through - none of what you said here is in any way shape or form how the system works

half right.

I did read.
…and it still makes no sense to even mention a name change, unless the name is part of the problem.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. Haha, apparently not! A lot of people might not realize that changing your name might not be a way to get away from others!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

I know Silences are partially automated as a way to combat if someone says some really offensive stuff in the trade chat or the like, but I thought Squelches are the same thing - or is one of 'em the long term punishment that Blizzard gave up on?

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Haha, it appears you and the pink wearing cow never read the OP! The OP specifically mentions “mutes,” aka squelches! It’s automated with a waiting period of a few days before a GM can look at it! Meaning that the automated system keeps “muting” the person in question over and over due to mass reports, haha! No where did the OP mention GM silences!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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This, most folks on the reading end will be able to look at what’s going on if what you say is truly going on and then fix/help with the problem.

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Not only that, it’s documented so if a silence etc happens again, the next GM can look at what’s going on etc.


a squelch is a temporary
a silence is applied (by a human) if deemed appropriate when the squelch is reviewed


Ah, oh-kay

Thanks! ^^

I feel like they could do a check. For example, are X reports all from the same guild and noone else? This could be a mass report attempt that needs human review. Now if the reports are coming in from all types of people from different guilds and areas? Then yeah, its probably legitimate.

I feel like this is something they could do, but they won’t.

They do.

The check is… “is there a chat violation”.

If there is no violation, there is no problem.

Here is a perfect example of someone claiming they’re getting actioned “for no reason”… with a blue setting the record straight.

Perhaps you should stop taking your friends word at face value, and get them to create a similar thread so you can actually see that the actions taken against their account aren’t “for no reason”, and that the report system isn’t being abused.

Multiday mutes? If you’re reported that often and get silenced that often, then you get suspended. If I was getting reported that often and punished, I would change my name and server temporarily. It’s extreme, I know. But what else can you do? At some point Blizzard is going to say no and not do anything.

Yes. It’s called harassment. But Blizz will not do anything if he doesn’t put them on ignore. So ignore, never respond, file a harassment ticket and refer back to previous tickets about the squelches by giving them ticket numbers and explaining the squelch abuse.

But if your friend is getting silenced, then that’s a horse of a different color.