It’s the first day of Fall!

I’ll trade you. I love cold weather and we’re gonna be in the 90s for another few weeks.

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/ten chars

Was over 90 degrees today here…


Hoodies warm fuzzy socks n jeans are me
I can crochet some gorgeous scarves n beanies n slouchy hats going to set up an Etsy page soon as I get a decent inventory of them made.


I live in ND where winter can last six months. Snow 60 mph winds and 30 below weather, that was last winter I hope this one is nicer.

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I hope it’s better for you as well.


Thank you. I have a job I like that pays the bills a good car and a warm home. What breaks my heart about winter is seeing animals left out in the cold. People treat cats like disposable pets and dont get them spayed or neutered or take proper care of them.


OMGosh agree so wholeheartedly!! It’s like that here with both cats and dogs. I’m a cat person, but I love animals, and even though Ga isn’t the worst place in the world to be during the winter months, it’s still heartbreaking to see the poor cats n dogs out in the elements discarded like a bag of trash just because they’ve become…“inconvenient”.

It’s also another story seeing them in the hot months here as well, since it can literally become fatal in 5 minutes from heat issues here due of the humidity(I know other places is like this too, but talking about animals here)…my heart is definitely with you there, Tsavis!!! :heart:

oof…talking about animals sends me in a completely out of control tirade - apologies OP for derailing a minute…

:fallen_leaf::fallen_leaf:FALL YAY!!! :fallen_leaf::fallen_leaf:

Lol me too you
I love all animals. Back on topic it’s going to be in the 70s tomorrow yay. It’s been quite cold and rainy, it’s supposed to be a normal winter for us so hopefully most of it will be above zero. I love the fall.

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It’s finally sub 100 here in Scottsdale, so close enough :fallen_leaf:

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Still 90-95 all week in Texas. Autumn doesn’t REALLY start here until post October.

Fall…the season that spawned Pumpkin Spice. Thankfully Halloween candy and whatever deep fried concoctions found at the county fairs offsets things that carry that spice. I mean even SPAM now comes with Pumpkin Spice!

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Really??? I haven’t seen that yet…granted, I haven’t looked, I rarely buy spam. lol But that doesn’t sound very appealing, and I for one like Pumpkin Spice in certain things (like muffins, or candle scents)

It’s a Limited Edition product that whoever created SPAM is selling on their website instead of in stores. Probably because they know it’d still be on the shelves into spring.

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That’s so gross lol of all things to NOT GO PUMPKIN SPICE it’s SPAM. lololol No no no no no!!!

I googled it is a thing. I don’t remember the last time I’ve ever had spam.
I’m going to make myself some keto hot chocolate today with real cream. Yum.

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Autumn is the best season, hands down. Perfect weather, beautiful scenery, cozy nights… /sigh

Take my upvote Ravenmayne. Best post I’ve seen today.

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It’s still in the 80s-90s where I live but you know what? I love autumn spirit. I’m gonna wear all my cozy sweaters and sip hot pumpkin spice coffee anyway!
sweats profusely in the relelntless sun and humidity

Err…This is fine.

(But really, I love autumn. Probably gotta wait another month or so for the nice weather to kick in though… /sigh)

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Hey, us in Hawaii need to get into the seasonal spirit too! Not that I’d eat that but I don’t drink pumpkin spice latte either.

My spam musubi will not be pumpkin spiced!!