It’s the first day of Fall!

It’s 85 and nasty humid here in Michigan. This is not what Fall should feel like.:confused:

Fall up here means its just going to rain for the next 3 months.

This is when all leaves in Stormwind fall, and people keep stepping on me because i’m buried beneath leaves.


tries to jump on a leaf pile

And Hawaii is Summer all the time, all year long, one looooong hot summer.

But I’m going to the east coast for vacation soon so been crocheting hats!! And about 5 inches of a scarf done. Bought a thin Uniqlo down jacket and more sweaters. Had to buy socks!! Can’t wait to be cold (and complain about it every day). The leaves are gonna be awesome, yes?

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Ok and? Just adding “sips brewfest beer” doesn’t make this trash post wow related.

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I already made the first batch of pumpkin bread for this year–couldn’t wait. Washed it down with some hot cinnamon/apple tea : 3

Hard to believe we got through another whole summer with its highs, occasional wildfires, and was able to keep both the yards alive this time! The last couple of years we had to let the grass go and just focus on the rosebushes and trees–my sister used a special spray to paint the grass green.

(Just to clarify, we didn’t have wildfires this year, I just meant they tend to happen a lot in Cali and after last year in particular the whole town was a little on edge just because.)

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Summer is dead.

Long live Fall!

The colder it gets the more layers you can put on, but the hotter it gets… there’s only so much you can remove before you get arrested T_T


Sunday’s a free day. Even I let the Classic threads stay unflagged today. Lighten up and enjoy the shenanigans.


i went to las vegas 2 weeks ago, and barely broke a sweat at 106. it felt about the same as 84 in georgia.

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You had your fall outfit under your summer one? That is odd, but to each their own.

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Fall is my favorite season; I actually have my house decked out in fall decorations right now. Funnily it’s one of the reasons I’m also excited for Worgen because for me, Worgen and Forsaken are the most halloween like entities. Bring on the spoopy!


:hearts: late Fall —> Winter —> early Spring

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Yeah Nevada has the dry heat - we have that humid, open the door and your lungs melt heat.

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I live in Florida. The past two months or so have been a balmy 90 degrees pretty much constantly.

Yesterday, it dropped down to 80. I was actually able to sleep last night without turning my fan on. I could actually feel Florida fall come.

stays nude… because it’s still >90deg during the day here.


Clothing is lame. :wink:

You don’t have to get ready if you stay ready.

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12:50 AM officially PST Sept 23


Fall started for me the moment temperatures stopped being constantly above 80 degrees. Yall are slow to the party.

cries in the corner begging for summer to return