It is time to give the Alliance actual playable High Elves!

To be fair they lost all their novelty after the Sunwell restoration. You can’t really “Remember the Sunwell!” with it sitting right there.

Now they’re just post relapse flavored High Elves.


Does anyone else find it creepy this many people are focused on blonde hair/blue eyes/white skinned–

Oh. Oooooooooh. You are all terrible people…


Don’t need to tell me twice.

I don’t know if it’s creepy, but it is quite disgusting what you’re trying to insinuate.


I think the only thing really problematic here is you, and people like you, trying to undermine others by likening them to serious problematic elements in our history.

If it were simply about the colors people would have been happy with Humans or Blood Elves. Regardless of what trolls, detractors, and others, have tried to argue over the years it’s become clear that players want High Elves because they believe it represents a specific narrative tone that they want; it’s about a story they perceive to be worth having, not just what it looks like.

Void Elves failed not just because they had the wrong appearance, but because the very thing we didn’t want was given to us twice over. Many of us rejected Blood Elves for their choices during their addiction phase and how that colored their people. To be given Void Elves, who were expressly shown to be Blood Elves (the exact people we didn’t want to begin with) to start out, that ultimately went through even more magical tampering, violation, and incontrovertible alteration, is just completely blind to what we were asking for.

It’s like someone asking for plain water, and specifying no lemon because they’re not interested, and spitefully giving them lemon-lime water because “well you didn’t want lemon, right?”


Why do I have to agree with you on this post? Ugh, I feel like I am too full to agree on something tonight. But I agree, both aren’t subraces, but are still the same race of what they once called themselves. But maybe having the options then to change our nameplates would be cool. But I still rather the High Elves playable as a seperate group for the Alliance.


paladins is not a high elf thing. It is a blood elf thing. They didn’t have a large group of paladins till around BC.

But one you guys had started.

No they won’t.

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It warms my belly to know it triggers people like you though.

I can’t wait until I can make a redhead void elf.


Absolutely not.
You guys take ownership of this continuous, long winded spam that’s been trolling this forum for years. It’s ALL Alliance!


These HUD changes make so much sense. I’m all in for these.


Let’s compromise and excommunicate all the high elves to a third faction that is permanently flagged for our killing pleasure. None of us want em.


Rather than creating another allied race for High Elves since we got like 90% of that now with the new customizations, i think the best option would be to simply rename Void Elves. And by that it doesn’t even need to be renamed to “High Elves” (I mean it could be) but i think they could be given a new name all together. A new name that encompasses BOTH the Void Elves and the regular Allliance High Elves. I’ve suggested in the past they could be renamed to “Allerian Elves.” It’s also a way they could open up something like Paladins to the race for people who want them.


Paladin tauren also before it was added by Blizzard.
All it takes is one high elf paladin (there is one) to make this possible.

I didn’t start anything, the void elves are a group of blood elves, so obviously high elves.


If anything, “Exiled Elves” makes sense, as that’s the common denominator of both Void and High Elves.

However, I don’t think that would be fair to Void Elf fans, and I really doubt Blizzard would ever do such a thing.

I still think optional racial name tags is the way to go. As well as customizable racials for all races.


Stop trying to make ‘High Elves’ happen, it’s NOT going to happen!

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A lot of people had trouble doing geometric proofs in High School, so I’m not suprised people still don’t understand this.


Lol, just like how the Horde players had a big tamtrum when Ion said that Blue Eyes were originally not for Blood Elves? Yeah, that is all Alliance too, isn’t it?

I also find it funny how you Anti’s love to mass flag this thread, call it spam, etc. But you know what, I just have as much of a right to create a thread voicing my own words on something about the game, whether you all agree with it or not. At the end of the day, if you all have a problem with a thread like mine, you do know there is a “mute” option underneath share, it is easy to mute a thread. But no, Anti’s always chose to false flag a thread in disagreement because anything you all disagree with, is spam.


This is bait.

Your group did by demanding a group that had barely anything to do with the group you want to have customization for the group you wanted. Thus ticking off several fan bases.


The Dragonmaw Clan has been mentioned, if not featured, in every expansion (sans SL) - even WoD, where they didn’t exist in the alternate timeline but still got some spotlight in the revamped UBRS. They’re not playable either. Let’s make a pact - if one of us becomes playable, we extend a hand to help the other up. :wink:


Hey man, if the Dragonmaw clan did become playable as a seperate race or through customisations, I would be down for playing those too.