It is time to give the Alliance actual playable High Elves!


Merge some Allied races with their Core race counterparts.
Dwarf + DID
Orc + Mag’Har
Draenei + LFD
Troll + Zandalari
Human + KT
Tauren+ HMT

Then, make a Toggle for sub-categories, to include race themes in the main race.
Dwarf → Wildhammer Dwarf, DID
Orc → Mag’Har, Fel Orc
Thalassians → Alliance: Void elf → High elf, Horde: Blood elf → Dark Ranger
Draenei → LFD, Eredar
Troll → Zandalari, Forest Troll
Human → KT, Skinny
Tauren → HMT

So I’m saying ''Thalassians above because this can be a new tab which will include 4 sub-categories. Blood elves and Dark ranger, Void elves and High elves. Ofc it will be clear that you will be Horde or Alliance depending on which one you choose.

Those sub-categories will exist only for RP, customization and tidiness purposes. That way we will not need to consume any more AR slots with races so similar to their parent race. This will open up slots for new Allied races down the line, and will also allow for the creation of class skins later on, to spice classes up and make them available to more races.


ONLY if they create a third playable faction of their own. Make it to where they want to come back to an active role in Azeroth…but the Horde AND the Alliance are thoroughly and utterly SICK of them. So, they form a third faction.

-The first race to join them is a mishmash of every other race that loves Sylvanas. Doesn’t matter their upbringing: if they love Sylvanas, they are all one horrible amalgam.
-The second race is a terrible, frightening race that says the words ‘Bae’ and ‘Cringe’…unironically.
-The third race is a brand new race created by Blizzard for just the occasion. It is a race that looks and sounds eerily like Scrappy Doo.
-The fourth race is the race of little plant cannibal dudes from Draenor. No one even knows how they got to Azeroth, they just appear in pots and closets, then sound their hilarious battle cry. They’re the diplomats of this new faction.

I’m serious about High Elves though. They can come back, only if they form a third faction. I’m partially serious about the little plant guys though, I love them.

Don’t lump us into this nonsense. I can’t believe it’s happening again either.


Implying Blood Elves didn’t throw an equally as big tantrum over not getting blue eyes in the first SL update.


So what you’re really saying OP is you just want paladin class for void elves…

You guys have that now through void elves (They are not high elves) For your RP purposes.

It’s time for something new that can bring some diversity in the game…

Half elves!

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The easiest thing would be to make the HE/BE neutral and to hell, that everyone plays with the faction they want.



I think the Alliance-players should be happy in actually having two cultures within one race while the Horde only has one. But perhaps the resentment towards the Blood Elf players is the sole reason why people wish to destroy the fanatics at any costs.

Only the Quel’Lithien High Elves were exiled.

The other High Elves just never chose to return to fight for their people and homeland, nor for the Sunwell.

Except those in Allerian Stronghold who were stuck in Outland before the portal reopened.


Since when does this have anything to do with classes? Hell, if Blizzard gave the Alliance High Elves and gave them access to the same classes as the Void Elves, I’ll be happy with that. As I said:


Just letting you know she was one of the advocates wanting VE’s to have “natural” looks

Careful with this one lol.


Don’t worry I can see through their veil of lies, it ALWAYS comes down to void elf paladins with these people.


You complaining about void elf paladins is exactly the same with how people complained we wanted blonde hair on void elves, same old same old you cannot have this cause blood elf mastah race has it already :yum:


Yeah, it does, doesn’t it?

I’m sorry Greatbait if you have a problem with me due to the fact that you disagree with me, but hey, do keep trying.


Ah see if was right, always comes down to them wanting the Paladin.

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No really, it really has to do with removing the void elf from the game, putting the high elf in, and having HE paladins

Actually if you’d be interested to know I have supported void themed paladin and not outright light based paladin. But, I actually supported druid and shaman more tbh.


Darkshaman and nightmare druids make more sense. Also void demonhunters or a voidhunter class skin would also be nice.


Used to live in trees…

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

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totally agree I’d absolutely love these, even if it’s just 1 of them